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A bunch of different companies write messages from 'Santa,' which range from printed form letters to personalized handwritten messages. This article is about to get surprisingly dark.
Americans love badass cops who throw the rulebook out the window and then shoot it, even though shooting the rulebook is so clearly against the rules.
Clicks are the lifeblood of the internet.
The reality of DNA and ancestry businesses is a lot less science, and a lot more hustle.
Movies have given us a very specific image of the hippie. But as is so often the case, reality is nothing like the Hollywood version.
Let's see if we can spot the problem here ...
If you live in a major American city, you've probably seen your fair share of homeless camps.
Bingo: A super boring game that only old people play because their hips are too fragile for flag football. Agree? You shouldn't.
There was a time when reality TV was considered innocuous ... and then there was a turning point. Sarah Kozer is a former cast member of 'Joe Millionaire' and she has a tale to tell.
While Hollywood's top action stars are very skilled at wearing tuxedos and chatting with TV hosts, credit for their craziest onscreen shenanigans belongs to the often-underrated stunt performers.
Over the course of his criminal career, a handful of women either escaped from or experienced near misses with Bundy. One of those women was our source today, Rhonda Stapley.
The 1962 trash fire beneath Centralia, Pennsylvania is still burning to this day. We spoke with a few former residents and they told us ...
Pro tip: you don't want to be the venue worker who doesn't recognize My Chemical Romance.
Note: When going on safari, stay the heck away from Cape buffalo.
After the first few seconds of ecstatic freefall, I felt the parachute try to open. But it didn't.