‘South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut’ made movie history to the chagrin of the MPAA
The late president and his wife fired the first shots in the 1990s feud
Michael J. Fox almost died filming ‘Back to the Future III’
Fallon’s got us saying ‘Booooo!’ for all the wrong reasons
A shocking tone shift could bring the series full-circle as well as bring ‘Always Sunny’ fans to their knees
Hire Joe Dante, Peacock
It was more of a happy accident than a three-year-long plan
The Christmas comedy Q&A and nostalgia screening racket just gained a powerful new player
Saving audio of prolonged farts is just smart filmmaking
The Gallaghers were heavily influenced by a song about idiocy
‘I should have just taken my money and walked’
The comedy scene was ‘not the way I had planned to go’
Thank you, Hanna-Barbera
You can’t copyright the concept of pale outcasts
Parker and Stone say that the Denver area has been giving them a bit of a could shoulder since the first ‘South Park’ movie