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All the red-white-and-blue hullabaloo that visits Iowa once every four years makes life really, really strange for the people who live there.
Despite the venerable legacy of this career, and the utter ubiquity of strip clubs in our modern cityscapes, most people know very little about the realities of dancing naked.
You don't have to be a writer to write for Cracked. You just have to have something to say.
This is the closest Cracked will ever get to actual journalism.
Some of our best articles are based on personal experiences -- that's why we want yours.
Science is just now taking a closer look at these centuries-old school practices, and they're finding out that, hey, they weren't really helpful.
Some of what we hate most about the American democratic process aren't flaws at all -- they're actually what make the whole thing tick.
You might want to put on some comfy pants and get out a tub of consolation ice cream, because we're about to let you way, way down.
Because of 9/11 the world was affected in a number of bizarre, unexpected ways that largely went unreported, for obvious reasons.
Evil people gain power because otherwise-good people actively help them along.
History's greatest monsters were, on a personal level, shockingly normal.
James Portillo walked away from his inadvertent fame with a more positive opinion of internet commenters than anyone who's ever lived.
How dire is the situation of robots taking our jobs? I took a deep dive into the evidence, and sat down with some experts, to try and figure that out.
Ever since 9/11, the whole world has sort of cringed in anticipation of the next 9/11-scale attack. Turns out we're scared of the wrong thing.
Look, America, I don't really know the best way to say this ... I have evidence that suggests our President may be an alcoholic.
The tragedy is that every one of these garbage stories has something real and ugly at its core, but all that stuff is getting buried under sensational B.S.
It's fun to spend a few minutes every day in a fantasy world where Donald Trump is hours away from impeachment, but a fantasy world is all that is.
If you've seen any news reports from Vice, The New York Times, or National Geographic about the fighting against ISIS, you might imagine the work is largely due to the brave actions of a few hard-bitten square-jawed war correspondents.
What is it like to kill a person?
It's not exactly easy to be a transgender person in 2017.
Slavery is something you'd hope the U.S. had already done a pretty complete job of stomping out.
No one knows you the way your garbageman knows you.
In the U.S., police shoot at dogs more often than they shoot at anything else.
It's hard to be a soldier: that's part of the point of military service.
On this episode of Cracked Gets Personal, Robert Evans and Brandon Johnson talk to three former pain pill addicts.
Over the last four years I've asked thousands of people from around the world about the absolute craziest shit that has ever happened to them.
If you've seen any news reports from Vice, The New York Times, or National Geographic about the fighting against ISIS, you might imagine the work is largely due to the brave actions of a few hard-bitten square-jawed war correspondents.
What is it like to kill a person?
It's not exactly easy to be a transgender person in 2017.
Slavery is something you'd hope the U.S. had already done a pretty complete job of stomping out.
No one knows you the way your garbageman knows you.
In the U.S., police shoot at dogs more often than they shoot at anything else.
It's hard to be a soldier: that's part of the point of military service.
Over the last four years I've asked thousands of people from around the world about the absolute craziest shit that has ever happened to them.
On this episode of Cracked Gets Personal, Robert Evans and Brandon Johnson talk to three former pain pill addicts.
If you've seen any news reports from Vice, The New York Times, or National Geographic about the fighting against ISIS, you might imagine the work is largely due to the brave actions of a few hard-bitten square-jawed war correspondents.
What is it like to kill a person?
It's not exactly easy to be a transgender person in 2017.
Slavery is something you'd hope the U.S. had already done a pretty complete job of stomping out.
No one knows you the way your garbageman knows you.
In the U.S., police shoot at dogs more often than they shoot at anything else.
It's hard to be a soldier: that's part of the point of military service.
Over the last four years I've asked thousands of people from around the world about the absolute craziest shit that has ever happened to them.
On this episode of Cracked Gets Personal, Robert Evans and Brandon Johnson talk to three former pain pill addicts.