19 Fears About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.)

It doesn't matter who it is: a right-wing whack job, a perpetually high hippie, a hipster with a wardrobe full of turtlenecks -- without fail everyone of them has preached about wanting to live in a different era.

Because for whatever reason -- drugs, Hollywood, old Playboys -- a lot of people are under the impression that the past was way, way better than the world we live in now. But a simple look at the facts prove otherwise. Or, you know, you could just check out all these cool looking pictures we asked AuntieMeme to put together for us. Yeah, do that.

Entry by AM Smiley

Two decades of high-profile shootings probably have you thinking that U.S. schools are violent, dangerous places. But actually, the past 25 years have

Entry by AM Smiley

Think today's teens are party animals? They aren't. Teen smoking and drinking are the lowest they've been since we started keeping track, in 1975. CRA

Entry by AM Smiley

Obesity in America is a serious problem. But it won't be, for the next generation. Childhood obesity rates in the U.S. have dropped 43% over the past

Entry by AM Smiley

Distracted drivers, decaying roads, and the sheer number of drivers on the roadways - deaths from auto accidents must be at an all-time high. Surprisi

Entry by AM Smiley

Between the Internet, cell phones, and the ridiculous number of channels creating TV series, you'd think nobody was reading novels. But they are. Near

Entry by AM Smiley

In century England, being unemployed was a criminal offense. Will Work for FOOD If you were caught jobless, you would be tied to a cart and whipped un

Entry by AM Smiley

Think your HMO is shitty? Be glad you're not living in ancient Egypt. Recently translated recipes in Egyptian medical texts called for dung from vario

Entry by AM Smiley

Worried about nuclear war? Or worried about all those armed nukes lying around? Don't be. z2000 00sis l yov sooe 1000 F 2365-01 r Worldwide stockpiles

Entry by AM Smiley

You might think that with the world population at 7 billion, we'd be running out of food. You'd be wrong. There's more food for everyone today than ev

Entry by AM Smiley

Going to the laundromat is a pain in the ass, to be sure. But at least you don't have to worry about drowning. 50 In the Tudor era, 40% of deaths were

Entry by AM Smiley

Remember how our national bird, the Bald Eagle, is an endangered species? In 1963, barely 400 nesting pairs existed in the contiguous United States. T

Entry by AM Smiley

One of the most heartbreaking effects of our economy is the rampant homelessness. But even during the economic downturn, the number of homeless people

Entry by AM Smiley

You might think college campuses are violent and prone to rioting. But in the Middle Ages, Oxford University was much, much worse. Violent, murderous

Entry by AM Smiley

Psoriasis is a skin condition that's fairly simple to manage with steroid creams and home remedies. In 14th-century France, it could get you executed.

Entry by AM Smiley

Think your toilet is unsanitary? If you lived in a medieval castle, you'd use a garderobe -: a room with a stone hole and a wooden seat. Whatever went

Entry by AM Smiley

Your job might be a drag, but it's probably not giving you face cancer. In 1917, women working in a watch factory used paintbrushes to paint glow-in-t

Entry by AM Smiley

Don't let a few noisy assholes fool you. Almost all Americans think interracial marriage is just fine. In fact, they approve. 87% of Americans current

Entry by AM Smiley

Think the top 1% are self-involved douchebags? They might be. But more and more of them are pledging to give away at least half of their money. Onev 6

Entry by AM Smiley

You might think we're living in a violent, war-torn era. What seems like a period of constant war is in reality a period of constant information about