15 Celebs Who Fudged The Truth (To Fame)

We understand Hollywood is made up of thief, liars, and amazingly talented CGI artists -- but we just can't let some of the most blatant cases slide.

Our readers compiled a list of people we need to grab our torches and pitchforks to march against. The winner is below, but first the runners-up ...

Entry by Ruy Platt

CST-OL In 1984, James Cameron released Terminator, an epic sci-fi movie about a time traveller who sacrifices himself to save modern-day humans from a

15 Celebs Who Fudged The Truth (To Fame)

Entry by Sagar Parikh

If you go by textbooks, Galileo Galelei invented the telescope in 1609. But there is an even earlier record of application for a patent by Hans Lipper

Entry by gicusudoru

The opening riff of Steely Dan's highest charting single, 1974 Rikki Don't Lose That Number was taken from Horace Silver's Song From My Father''.

Entry by Sagar Parikh

Isaac Singer, who pioneered the sewing machine in 1950 wouldn't have reached the heights without illegally taking idea of lockstitch from Elias Howe.

Entry by mkad

15 Celebs Who Fudged The Truth (To Fame)

Entry by Scott Laffey

Dy @sburn's 1983 album BARK AT THE MOON credits Ozzy with all song writing honors. An impressive feat. seeing as that Ozzy is dyslexic and plays no in

Entry by JASalisbury

RICHARD HELL BLANK THE VOIDOIDS GENERATION 1974:Richard Hell pioneers short spikey hair and ripped, safety pin laden clothes in the underground punk s

Entry by whoiswillo

ITSY BITSY TEENIE WEENIE YELLOW POLKADOT BIKINI 45 49 148 rem cents IN CANADA 59c WHEN WILL BE LOVED In September 2006 it itsy bitsy was reported that

Entry by TaxMan5x

You know that catchy flute solo in Men at Work's song Down Under? d In 2010 an Australlan Federal Judge ruled that the flute solo sounded bit too much

Entry by Dethwolf

STEPHEN E. AMBROSE Stephen Ambrose, perhaps most THE WILD BLUE famous for his Band of Brothers TME MEN AND BOYS WHO FLEW THE -24s had a lifelong pro

Entry by clg123

ZEPPELINO In 1969, Led Zepplin debuted their hit song Whole Lotta Love. However, it contained a whole lotta similarities to Muddy Waters' 1962 song Yo

Entry by mkad

Most of the Civil War photos that are available today are Mathew Brady photos. one of the most prolific photograph of the 19th century. He is consider

Entry by Ruy Platt

In 1978, Rod Stewart released 'Da Ya Think I'm Sexy.' a a single that sold over 2 million copies in the U.S. alone... ...and then had to hand over the

Entry by Scott Laffey

In a deposition from his court battle with the Marvin Gaye Estate alleging his 2013 hit Blurred Lines plagiarized Gaye's 1977 hit Got To Give It Up