15 Things Movies & TV Think They Know (But They Don't)

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Movies are stacked with experts, such as elite warriors, master craftsmen, great chefs, etc. Which got us wondering how often those so-called experts are doing their thing completely wrong. So we asked our readers to find us some actual experts, and fact-check the hacks Hollywood shows us onscreen.

We gave cash to the best debunking, and some to the runners-up as well.

Entry by PookieJones

ALL VALLEY KARATE CHAMPIONBHHP SEMI-FINALS FINALS ALL VALLEY CHAMPIOK CEFEREE The Crane Kick from The Karate Kid isn't a real move from the martial ar

Entry by Chan Teik Onn

CRACKEDo COM CONTAGION Upon discovering that the person she is talking to on the phone is showing signs of viral infection, Dr Erin Mears rushes to hi

Movie swordfighters do a lot Of parrying, light jabbing, chatting, and dancing around. Medieval swordfights were brutal, rapid fire, close-range hack-

Entry by Kalli

15 Things Movies & TV Think They Know (But They Don't)


Bad Boys features police officers Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett picking at a murder victim's corpse with bare hands. Firstly, they're supposed to be

Entry by Kalli

NDAOU Hawkeye would miss shot in real life. every Clint Hawkeye Barton is only the greatest archer in the MCU because it's easy to make CGI arrows g

Entry by Kristina Yong

15 Things Movies & TV Think They Know (But They Don't)


In movies, even people who work with guns professionally run around with their fingers right on the trigger. THEE SHIELD In real life, this is terribl


Emmett Doc CRACKEDO COM Brown's plutonium management solution was the ol' rubber-gloves and djar-O'-water. In reality, scientists don't even get in

Entry by LAJL

15 Things Movies & TV Think They Know (But They Don't)

Entry by PookieJones

The insufferably smart Dr. Brennan from Bones tells Booth that his parietal lobe can't have anything to do with his poor marksman skills. In real-life

Entry by Andrea Meno

In movies, snipers are usually badasses who work solo. But real-life snipers always work with spotters, because spotters carry scopes more powerful th


During the plane crash scene in Cast Away, a pilot puts an oxygen mask on Tom Hanks' character before he puts it on himself. While it's nice of him, p

Entry by Hestutomo

CRACKED COM As 'experts' they should've known not to wear gloves when handling an old and brittle document. The correct protocol is to wash hands, not