These Writers Flat-Out Hated Adaptations Of Their Work

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You'd think writers and musicians would be delighted to see their work adapted for the big and medium-sized screen. It's a fresh take, and they get lots of fame and money. But as it turns out, sometimes creative types are absolutely horrified by what Hollywood does with their work. And there are tears. Just so many tears.

Entry by Scott Laffey

Stephen King can't stand Kubrick's version of The Shining. King called the movie a big, beautiful Cadillac with no engine inside it, saying Kubrick

Entry by Kevin King

Trey Parker and Matt Stone hated all the early South Park video games So much that they made their own years later. SOUTH PARK Ki's BUFFET oE 8 P piav


Co-creator Peter Laird has nothing but contempt for the 1987 cartoon adaptation of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES In 2012 he wrote a blog post about wha

Entry by Chan Teik Onn

CRACKED.AON Katsuhiro Otomo despised the second half of Akira, which he felt was poorly made due to time and budget constraints. During the screeningn

Entry by Andrea Meno

Donn Pearce hates prison drama Cool Hand Luke and Paul Newman's classic performance. He says Newman was a cute guy who wouldn't have lasted five minut

Entry by Andrea Meno

Ira Gershwin called 1959's Porgy and Bess movie 'a piece of sh*lt. SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents GERSHWIN'S MASTERPIECE POROY BESS AND GERSHW SONG SIDNEY

Entry by Kalli

lois Duncan dislikes the flm adaptation of her teen novel, 1 KnOW What You Did Last Summer, for trivializing violence and making murder seem like a g

Entry by kidrawk

Frank Abagnale, the con artist whose exploits were the basis for Catch Me If You Can, said the book was highly inaccurate and exaggerated. catch me CR

Entry by Kevin King

Colleen McCullough declared that The Thorn Birds TV adaptation is instant vomit. Despite being the second most watched miniseries in TV history, the

Entry by wonderfloam

CRACKEDG Isaac Bashevis Singer bashed Barbra Sigge Streisand's musical adaptation of his short story Yentl The Yeshiva Boy. Collected ISAACBASHEVIS

Entry by Scott Laffey

E.B. WHITE WAS NOT TOO KEEN ON 1973's CHARLOTTE'S WEB. He wrote a friend, saying, The story is interrupted every few minutes so that somebody can sin


Anthony Burgess thought that the flm adaptation of his book LOCKWORK RACE was a damned Inuisance. After only getting paid $500 for the rights to the

Entry by Chan Teik Onn

Ursula K. Le Guin CRACKED CON hated SyFy Channel's adaptation of her Earthsea books because of their blatant whitewashing of her characters. In fact,

Entry by Ann Jimenez

A made-for- television film based on Madeleine L'Engle's classic A book A Wrinkle in WRIKLE Time was aired in IN TIME 2004. L'Engle's reaction? NEWS

Entry by PollyDarton

Bret Easton Ellis found 1987's Less Than Zero movie to be less than thrilling. As a young writer he was excited to see his first book adapted, but yea

Entry by Ka-ga-mi

Clive Barker voiced his dislike for the 2011 Hellraiser: Revelations film rather... intensely. Clive Barker Follow @RealCliveBarker Replying to @Purga

Entry by Scott Laffey

Richard Matheson was apparently not impressed with any of the film versions of his book I Am Legend. DO YOU UDAREIMAGINE NRATITI TWOUNDREIKETOBE WILLS

Entry by carpdonut

QUEEN DAMNED OF THE DAMNED Author Anne Rice begged the studio not to make the movie, knowing it wasn't what her fans wanted. She later added that it k

Entry by kidrawk

Frequent Batman writer Frank Miller can't stand any of the live-action' Batman movies, not even Christopher Nolan's trilogy. I can't watch a Batman m

Entry by Andrea Meno

David Selznick, who produced A Farewell to Arms, told Hemingway he'd pay him $50,000 from the profits. Hemingway answered that, if the movie somehow m

Entry by PookieJones

Michael Ende, the author of The Neverending Story, called the movie adaptation The makers revolting, and of the film demanded that simply did not und

Entry by masta_X

Allee Willis, the co-writer of Earth, Wind & Fire's classic song September, was underwhelmed by Taylor Swift's version. Willis described Swift's rendi

Entry by Kevin King

Rick Riordan instructed teachers not to show the Percy Jackson movies in class. In 2016, the author of the Percy RICK RIORDAN PERC Jackson & the Olymp