12 Informative Pictures for Interested Parties

Bits to share during conversation dead air.


While perusing paint shades, you might see a shade of blue with a historic tinge: Cobalt Blue. The element of Cobalt has been used to create blue tones in things like ceramics going back centuries. CRACKED.COM

Source: JLab


Big Bend National Park's location in an arid Texas desert may suggest that it's not very flora-friendly. However, the opposite is true. Big Bend contains over 1200 different species of plants. CRACKED.COM

Source: National Park Service


Ever wonder how an aardvark's dust-raising dietary habits don't result in constant nasal irritation? Aardvarks actually have the ability to close their nostrils when eating, to stop dust (and particularly brave bugs.) CRACKED.COM

Source: National Geographic


Female walking sticks have the ability to reproduce parthenogenetically. meaning without fertilization. These unfertilized eggs always produce females, which sounds like a sci-fi plot cooked up by a mens' rights activist. CRACKED.COM

Source: National Wildlife Federation


Many people incorrectly assume that titanium's value comes from it being stronger than steel. Steel can actually be stronger than titanium, but titanium is significantly lighter at the same strength. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNCLathing


Argentine Tegus have a unique defense mechanism, which is scaring predators by running on two feet. I imagine the predators' thought process goes a little something like: Aw hell no I did not sign up for this CRACKED.COM

Source: EverythingReptiles


Sulfur in the leaves produces the unpleasant odor that gives the plant skunkvine its name. Skunkvine isn't even that bad compared to the plant's name in Japan, which is literally fart vine. CRACKED.COM

Source: The Right Flowers


The marathon is named for an ancient Greek messenger's legendary run from Marathon to Athens. According to the story, right after delivering the news, the messenger died. And people do this for fun. CRACKED.COM

Source: History


The plant Polemonium reptans' alternating leaves give it the nickname Jacob's Ladder. The biblical ladder to heaven from Jacob's dream, that is, not the terrifying horror film starring Tim Robbins. CRACKED.COM

Source: NC State


The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada isn't actually named for the flamboyant bird itself. Yamingo Bugsy Siegel named the hotel after his girlfriend, whose red hair and long legs got her the nickname The Flamingo. CRACKED.COM

Source: History


In history, even those not destined for the gallows avoided associating with executioners. They were often forced to live at the edge of town, and sometimes weren't allowed to attend school or church. CRACKED.COM

Source: LiveScience


Science did some digging and found that happy COWS really do produce healthier milk. A study found that higher serotonin levels in Jersey dairy COWS led to higher calcium levels in their milk. CRACKED.COM

Source: Food and Wine