12 Sick Facts for Scholarly Folks

Learning about the world we live in? Sick stuff, bro.


Iron currently accounts for ninety percent of all the metal refined across the world. Most of that is used in the creation of different varieties of steel, including the stainless steel from your kitchen. CRACKED.COM

Source: LiveScience


Helium is the only known element to remain liquid under normal pressure at absolute zero. That's a temperature of -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. Basically, cold as #&$!. CRACKED.COM

Source: Scientific American


Settlers in the early Georgia Colony enjoyed a more pleasant climate than their New England compatriots. However, it came at the price. This warmer climate made it much easier for diseases to spread... and they did. CRACKED.COM

Source: SidMartinBio


A man set fire to the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus in the year 356 В.С., seeking historical infamy. To prevent this, after his execution a law was created preventing his name from every being mentioned. CRACKED.COM

Source: HistoryToday


The introduction of the arch into buildings by Romans was a massive step forward in architecture. The clever utilization of this shape allowed them to create massive structures without risk of collapse. CRACKED.COM

Source: History


The redpoll, a tiny member of the finch family, has a diet habit that inspires indigestion to imagine. The little birds often eat while hanging upside down, each swallow a little loogie in the face of gravity. CRACKED.COM

Source: Northernwoodlands.org


The state bird of Alaska is the willow ptarmigan, which changes plumage from brown to white in winter. Which you can think of as the bird putting on a tiny little winter jacket, which is very, very adorable. CRACKED.COM

Source: Alaska.gov


A Moray eel's teeth are angled backwards in their mouth, to prevent prey from being able to escape. So basically, Moray eels' mouths are just as disturbing and awful as the rest of their body. CRACKED.COM

Source: National Science Foundation


Mongooses live in burrows, but they much prefer to take over abandoned burrows than to dig them themselves. They're like the squatters of the animal kingdom, just without the Crass patches and awful noise bands. CRACKED.COM

Source: One Kind Planet


The state of Maine contains 17 million acres of forest. That's equal to roughly 26,500 square miles. When it comes to the state's geography, they're one of the Maine features. :) CRACKED.COM

Source: Department of Agriculture


The Lego Toy Building Brick was patented by Godtfred Kirk Christiansen on October 24, 1961. Oct. 24, 1961 3,005,282 G. K. CHRISTIANSEN TOY BUILDING BRICK 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed July 28. 1958 FIG. 7. FIG.8. 3 22 2 21 -10 22а 22 18 22 lla 12 21 12 2g lla 18 21 2la II 2la 10a FIG.IO. FIG.9. 5 4 18 21 12 12 18 21 18 21< 24 The 2x4 bricks you see today are still produced to the exact specifications of that 80+ year old patent. CRACKED.COM

Source: SuiterSwantz


The island of Komodo may be best known for its dragons, but its human residents have an interesting history. The original occupants of Komodo were convicts, and most of the ~2000 people living there are their descendants. CRACKED.COM

Source: New 7 Wonders