31 Surprising Facts About Iconic Video Game Franchises

Have you ever wondered how the Final Fantasy franchise got its name and what it means? Turns out, it’s mainly called that because the creator thought it would be the studio’s final game. More on that and 30 other bonkers facts about iconic video games below…


DIDDY KONG RACING PLAYER SELECT 1 CRACKED.COM When game studio Rare needed more time to develop Banjo-Kazooie to compete with Super Mario 64, they pushed the generic title Pro-Am 64 for a Christmas release. There were concerns the IP wasn't strong enough and may hurt sales, so at the last minute assets were changed to the more familiar Diddy Kong.

Nintendo Life


REVEAL OF A CLOSE RELATION IS FORESHADOWED IN FINAL FANTASY V. Greetings, am Siren. I'm afraid your companions' souls now belong to me. CRACKED.COM When the Siren uses visions of loved ones to trick her victims, both Lenna and Faris see King Tycoon, foreshadowing the reveal that they are in fact sisters.

The Female Gaze


CRACKED.COM BLANKA TOOK A WHILE TO BE GREEN. STREET FIGHTER The electric Brazilian was more naturally colored at first, which looked weird. With each iteration, each character got more and more vivid colors - with Blanka finally becoming the green beast we all know and love.



Princess Zelda was named after a wealthy Alabamian. CRACKED.COM Miyamoto named her after Zelda Fitzgerald -- novelist, daughter of a state Supreme Court Justice, and wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

14 Behind-The-Scenes Zelda Facts


Doom's music was inspired by metal groups of the time. Such a metal game concept needed an appropriately metal soundtrack. Developer John Romero gave composer Robert Prince some Black Sabbath tapes to take inspiration from, and Prince also took cues from Alice in Chains, Slayer, Soundgarden, and others. DOOM CRACKED.COM

Doom Wiki & DoomWiki.org


Atari made a dump in the desert because their games sucked so hard. ATARI 2600 E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL CRACKED.COM The three-decade gaming rumor was confirmed in 2014: unsold copies of E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial were jammed into a hole in the middle of a New Mexico desert.



KIRBY Kirby was a placeholder for a to-be-designed + character. Game designer Masahiro Sakurai dropped a circle into his game as he was designing it, figuring he'd flesh out the character later. Eventually he decided he liked the little sphere as-is, and added a few little details to give it personality. CRACKED.COM

21 Games We Grew Up On (With Weird Backstories)


The Getaway gives you a minute to chill. CRACKED.COM This open world action-adventure game inspired by British gangster films is fairly grounded, allowing your character to heal by doing something we're all familiar with: leaning up against a wall until you can catch your breath. Sure, gunshot wounds miraculously closing up because you're taking a 5 second breather aren't super realistic, but we can forgive that.



ZANGIEF WAS AT FIRST CALLED VODKA GOBALSKY. ещается смотрет STREET ВНИМ. FRIGHTER ННЕ! According to Akira Nishitani, that was only a placeholder name, and wasn't intended to make it to the finished game. We don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. CRACKED.COM

Insert Credit (via archive.org)


Doom exists partly thanks to the U.S. Air Force. DOOM If Doom can run on anything today, it's because it was optimized for PCs not really intended for anything more graphics-intensive than a spreadsheet. To achieve this, John Carmack used software techniques developed by the USAF in the '60s for flight simulators. CRACKED.COM

Ars Technica


Sonic the Hedgehog can't swim because Yuji Naka, the co-creator of Sonic, assumed that hedgehogs can't swim. TIME 2:15 RINGS 1 He's wrong. CRACKED.COM

29 Video Game Features With Just Bonkers Backstories