30 Outlandish Demands Celebs Made Behind-the-Scenes

Sir Paul’s backstage area necessitates some very specific greenery. He wants six fresh green floor plants that are “as full just on the bottom as they are on the upper part” and no tree stumps. He also seems to want to be accompanied by a large layout of Casablanca lilies having tons and tons of foliage, a pale white and pink rose arrangement and a freesia flower arrangement. Furthermore, he forbids the use of animal products or products that resemble animal products, such as synthesized fur, because of his fierce belief in animal rights.

We’re not sure if celebrities have strange demands in their contracts because they’re truly spoiled or just want to see what crazy demands they can make. In any case, many of their demands are amusing, and we decided to compile a few for you…

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Daniel Day-Lewis LINCOLN CRACKED.COM Day-Lewis forbade any members of the cast and crew of Lincoln from using their natural (British) accent, as to not taint his vocal performance. And with that, you can stop wondering when Daniel Day Lewis was going to show up on this list.

16 Extremely Specific Celebrity Demands


Weird AI Yankovic CRACKED.com For a long time, Weird AI requested a fresh Hawaiian shirt from every venue he performed at. He took out that clause after collecting several hundred shirts.

16 Oddly Specific Celeb Demands


CRACKED.COM Carrot Top makes sure someone is reading his rider by requesting a specific picture be painted or drawn with crayons. He says the best drawing wins a little something.

22 Bizarre, Real Demands Made By Celebrities Behind-The-Scenes


Liam Neeson, aware that his Irish accent had been made fun of in a Family Guy episode, agreed to star in Seth McFarlane's A Million Ways to Die In the West on one condition: that he was allowed to play a cowboy with an Irish accent. CRACKED.COM

22 Bizarre, Real Demands Made By Celebrities Behind-The-Scenes


Jennifer Lopez doesn't like to be distracted by horrible colors. Her dressing-room rider requests a white white room, flowers, white tables, white drapes white candles, white couches and tepid water. CRACKED.COM

23 Celebs' Bonkers Demands


Mike Myers SHREK CRACKED.COM Myers was unhappy with the voice he'd chosen for Shrek, and asked to rerecord almost every line, which cost $5 million. He felt a scottish brogue was more true to Shrek as working-class Somehow, I think DreamWorks forgave him.

23 Celebs' Bonkers Demands


Will Ferrell CRACKED.COM Ferrell once demanded: a three-wheeled electric scooter, a Janet-jackson-style headset mic, a rainbow on wheels, a six foot flight of rolling stairs, and an artificial tree. Oh yeah, man. Hilarious stuff. Real good. said some poor intern.

23 Celebs' Bonkers Demands


Uma Thurman CRACKED.com .COM She pulled the movie star equivalent of calling dibs on top bunk: a contract clause that said no other cast member may receive more favorable dressing rooms.

16 Oddly Specific Celeb Demands