20 Amazing Body Hacks People Should Hear About

The human body is an amazing machine. Every day, it performs countless tasks without any conscious effort on our part. From regulating our temperature and heart rate to digesting our food and filtering our blood, the body is always working to keep us alive and healthy. But that's just the beginning. The body is also capable of incredible feats of strength, speed, and endurance. It can heal itself from injuries and adapt to almost any environment. In short, the human body is a true miracle of nature.

The human body is a miracle, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't always be finding new ways to game the system and get an advantage. So if you're having a hard time with this whole "living" thing, we're here to help. As it turns out, there are all sorts of ways you can manipulate your meat sack into doing your bidding.

Today we are sharing 20 amazing body hacks that people should hear about.


SHOWER LESS. CRACKED CO Though socially expected, showering or bathing daily wreaks havoc on the outer part of the skin, which is called the horny layer. Hot water, soap, and abrasive surfaces strip off the horny layer, exposing living cells to the elements. Damaging this protective layer of skin makes you

For details, read 5 Awesome Life Hacks Hidden In Your Own Body


DRINK COFFEE THEN TAKE A NAP Counterintuitive, since you'd expect the caffeine to keep you awake, leaving you teetering on the edge of falling asleep but not quite going over. But the trick to the caffeine nap is that caffeine doesn't act immediately; its effects take about 15 minutes

For details, read 5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being More Awesome


STOP STRETCHING BEFORE EXERCISING After you stretch, your muscles tighten. This makes it a great routine for long-term flexibility, but in the short term, it wears you down and leaves you weaker during the actual workout. Stretch after a workout instead of before. Start your workout with warm-ups instead

For details, read 5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being More Awesome


DON'T BRUSH AFTER MEALS CRACKED.COM The acidity in food temporarily softens your enamel, and brushing right after eating can damage that enamel, leaving you vulnerable to cavities. Leaving a little food behind actually doesn't cause as much damage as your toothbrush does.So wait at least an hour between eating and

For details, read 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong


MAKE FINANCIAL CHOICES WHEN HUNGRY TODOD CRACKED CO COM- You might think that hunger makes you cranky and impulsive (it does lead to impulse food buying), but getting hungry is actually a good way to trick yourself into sound financial decisions. Hunger alters how we perceive risk and reward in a

For details, read 5 Awesome Life Hacks Hidden In Your Own Body


WAKE BRIEFLY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 208 You usually won't see any negative effects the next day. The idea that an uninterrupted eight hours is the only sleep pattern natural to mankind is surprisingly recent. People used to routinely wake up after sleeping, spend an hour awake

For details, read 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong


STARE AT SOME GRASS CRACKED COM When you're in the middle of some task that requires a lot of attention, switch away for just 40 seconds to a photo of a garden. The flower power gifts you with an increased attention span, and also decreases your rate of error by arousing

For details, read 5 Awesome Life Hacks Hidden In Your Own Body


STUDY, THEN NAP CRACKED c A quick 45-60-minute nap can vitalize your memory. Researchers found that napping triggers a staccato of electrical impulses they call sleep spindles, which play a major part in the whole being able to remember all that stuff you just hurriedly learned part of studying.

For details, read 5 Awesome Life Hacks Hidden In Your Own Body


RELY ON YOUR PEE BRAIN CRACKEDe Wait for a full bladder when deciding stuff. An urgent need to pee essentially reduces your brain to a jailer, forced to assert control over your full bladder. These signals bleed all over a bunch of other brain functions, resulting in a temporarily increased

For details, read 5 Insane Ways to Abuse Your Body to Greatness (Tested)


ICE YOUR HAND Old Eastern medical techniques are perceived by Westerners either as miracle cures or pure nonsense, but the truth is often somewhere in between. Take pressure points. A light massage with a piece of ice administered to the webbing between your thumb and forefinger is a super

For details, read 5 Awesome Life Hacks Hidden In Your Own Body


UNPROTECTED SEX FEELS GREAT CRACKEDco Semen includes mood-elevating compounds like endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin, which are transmitted to women through unprotected sex. Disclaimer: We are not seriously advocating dispensing with protection for the sake of boosting your mood.

For details, read 6 Horrible (But Real) Ways To Teach Your Body Superpowers


FIX YOUR SLEEP CYCLE WITH FOOD During time off, your sleeping pattern falters a bit. Need to get back to waking at 6 am? Starve yourself for about 16 hours. You'll trick your body into declaring whatever time you wake up the new start of the day. Our body

For details, read 5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being More Awesome


SQUAT OVER THE TOILET If you sit upright when you poop, you're doing it wrong. Humans didn't evolve to defecate in this position, and there's a muscle down there that's tight when you sit, and which only loosens when you squat. The sitting toilets common in the Western world

For details, read 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong


GET CASTRATED. WAIT, WHAT? CRACKEDCOR Castration increases lifespan. The theory is testosterone is an immune suppressor, so testicles make it harder for men to get healthy. So would cutting off someone's balls let him live to be 100? Maybe! (Disclaimer: Wanting to live to be 100 is not actually a

For details, read 6 Horrible (But Real) Ways To Teach Your Body Superpowers


WORK THROUGH BACK PAIN CRACKED CO If somebody sees you grunting with back pain, they'll say, You need to rest! They're wrong. To recover, scientists say that you have to earn it. Standing up and moving, doing exercises, and even just going about your regular business are all much better for

For details, read 5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being More Awesome


BREATHE ON YOUR THUMB By sticking your thumb in your mouth and blowing on it, you can activate your vagus nerve, which runs down your neck. This should calm your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Some experts say that just blowing on your thumb when it's not

For details, read 5 Insane Ways to Abuse Your Body to Greatness (Tested)


USE THE CORRECT EAR FOR THE CORRECT TASK CRACKED.COM Your brain's hemispheres really are different. Your left hemisphere excels at deciphering verbal information like speech, and the right hemisphere excels with tones and music. If you've got a mono earpiece, use it in your right ear Cleft brain) for calls

For details, read 5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being More Awesome


TATTOOS BOOST IMMUNITY CRACKEDCOR Getting a single tattoo appears to depress the immune system. But getting more ones appears to boost it. The study on this claims that because you've gone through this experience many times, your body learns to compensate for the trauma by boosting its defenses.

For details, read 6 Horrible (But Real) Ways To Teach Your Body Superpowers


BREATHE FROM THE ABDOMEN. CRACKED Take a deep breath. You likely raised your shoulders a little and puffed out your chest. But the muscle you're supposed to use to breathe, your diaphragm, is under your lungs. Chest breathing can lead to headaches, fatigue, and anxiety, so you should instead train

For details, read 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong


USE PAIN TO ENHANCE YOUR MEMORY CRACKEDCOR You recall stuff better if you're in pain when you perceive it. If you're the type of person who has trouble remembering people's names, try jabbing your finger into the nearest flame as you're being introduced. OK, we're kidding, but at least that'd

For details, read 6 Horrible (But Real) Ways To Teach Your Body Superpowers