27 Useful Psychological Tricks People Have Played on Others

There’s nothing like using a little mind control to spice up an interaction. Case in point: One Redditor got back at a stubborn coworker with a psychological trick that we should all be using a lot more. The coworker, let’s call him Brent, was one of those people who would die on any hill, digging in his heels and arguing about something arbitrary until it wore down the rest of the staff. Instead of debating Brent, the Redditor decided to beat him to the punch and credit him with ideas he never had. For example, if the Redditor wanted the next meeting to be at 3 p.m., he’d say something like, “Brent and I were talking earlier, and he had the idea of meeting at 3 p.m. next time. I agree with him!” Brent would always look confused, but never argue. 

Other Redditors have recalled the times they got all Mindfreak on somebody, and as far as I’m concerned, they’re all certified psychoanalysts.


margoooRobby 1y ago Edited 1y ago When ingratiating yourself to someone, don't give the obvious compliment. Say someone has gorgeous, thick, long hair. Find something less obvious to compliment them on. It's likely they get a lot of comments about the obvious thing. A different compliment will stick with them more. Share 69 ...


tyname 1y ago Tell someone you only have two minute to talk, and then start your conversation. The false time pressure can make them pay much more attention. 321 Share ...


SHIRT JackCooper_7274 1y ago When you're trying to subtly pry someone for information, cause an awkward silence on purpose. 9 times out of 10, they will give more info away just to fill the silence. 72 Share ...


TheBassMeister 1y ago Apparently mirroring people, like doing similar body movements and using the same words, makes them like you more as they feel more connected to you. Be careful though to not overdo it, because there is a thin line between mirroring and mocking. 344 Share ...


Delia_Dunn 1y ago This is entirely anecdotal, but it's worked for me for years: while walking through bad neighbourhoods, people seem less likely to bother you if you're eating something. I think a lot of it has to do with appearing calm, but I've never had anyone give me a hard time while I'm munching on an apple or banana our whatever. Much safer than fiddling with one's smartphone, anyway. :P Would love an explanation for this, even if it's just something I've constructed in my own mind. 1K Share ...


Euphoric-Beat-7206 . 1y ago Start whispering to someone for no reason. Almost all people will start whispering back automatically. Share 693 ...


BandOne77 1y ago When giving options, give a subtle nod to the option you want them to pick. Share 547 ...


asoiahats 1y ago Edited 1y ago If you want someone to do you a favour, phrase the question so that they have to say no to agree with you. Chris Voss did a really good video about how he was having trouble getting Robert Herjavec to commit to buying tickets to his seminar, so he emailed him saying would you be opposed to buying three tickets. Robert emailed him right back agreeing to buy three. I've tried that many times and I can't believe how effective it is. The principle is that people like saying no because it makes them


sendintheotherclowns 1y ago Instead of asking my wife where she wants to eat out, l'll ask her to guess where I'm taking her, then she'll answer and that's where l'll take her. She's very indecisive, I believe this cuts through that like butter, and she's loved it every time. 2.7K Share ...


pastiesmash123 1y ago If someone says something rude or slightly offensive off the cuff (usually tell it how it is types) I ask them what do you mean?. This forces them to evaluate what they've said 838 Share ...


[deleted] 1y ago If you want people to like you, just let them talk about themselves and don't argue with anything. People love to talk about their lives and usually nobody cares. Giving that person a chance to speak while you just listen will subconsciously make them like you (or at least not dislike you). 1.9K Share ...


skobuffaloes 1y ago Repeat the last two or three words in a sentence somebody just spoke and they will usually expand upon that thought. This can help with conversations when you don't know what to say exactly but you want to learn more about the other person. 301 Share ...


jackleggjr 1y ago Edited 1y ago I used to work with a guy who was super opinionated about everything... he would die on every single hill, usually for the stupidest reasons. Like, everyone in the room would agree our next meeting should be Tuesday at 3pm, he would grind the entire process to a halt, single-handedly arguing that the next meeting should be Tuesday at 3:15pm. He'd dig his heels in and argue until it wore everyone down and we did it his way. Whenever he was called out for it, he justified it by saying he was a person


[deleted] 1y ago Not that fun but if you are in a meeting with someone who can be confrontational, sit next to them Share 1.8K ...


Shdwstp e 1y ago I personally enjoy asking people what time it is after they look at their phone or watch. 9 times out 10 they have to check again. Usually with a confused expression because they should know. Share 293 ...


AmantineDupin 1y ago When someone gives you a compliment, pause ten seconds before saying thank you. It'll seem like you really appreciated the compliment and endear you more to the person who gave it. Supposedly Bill Clinton did this to make everyone think he was charming. 9 ...


apeezy18 1y ago When someone is trying to bully you, don't react. Just stare blankly and say are you ok? I do this to my boss frequently. 121 ...


Willmono7 1y ago In a room of quietly talking people start gently tapping something, or any mild noise that isn't particularly notable, gradually increase the intensity and the volume of conversation in the room will gradually increase, I've brought a quiet room to be almost shouting at eachother with this. 63 ...


Troooper0987 1y ago The elevator trick. Get a group of people to enter an elevator with another unknowing person or two. Have your group face any direction but the door. People naturally face the door in an elevator but will change the direction they face if the majority of the people in the elevator are facing that way. Really messes with people in an innocent way. Quite funny to do with friends with one friend as the odd man out 72 ...


Gweiis 1y ago I sometime ask people about something i know the answer to, and they answer correctly they feel good because they knew something i didnt, and helped me. 54 ...


Citrine_Bee в 1y ago This has worked on most of my partners, l'll suggest something and they'll say no or disagree with it and then I just drop it, I don't act annoyed or try to persuade them, just happily move on to whatever else, but it must fester in their mind because they eventually come back to me and decide they want to do the thing I suggested, almost like it's their idea. 20 ...


BrooklynBillyGoat 1y ago When u know someone's lying just say the person the were most likely to confide in ratted them out. People get angry thinking there betrayed and readily reveal what they think was told 54 ...


stumperkoek . 1y ago When you are talking to someone, shift your eyes and look over their shoulder behind them for a few seconds. Combine this with very very gently changing your talking pace. Then after the few seconds continue as you did before as if nothing happened. It will be perceived as if something happened behind them and they will look behind them. I did this with some friends in high school, just to mess with them. Worked almost every time and was very annoying. 128 ...


THEDrunkPossum 1y ago One of my favorite psychological quirks we have is the hold this response. You can get anybody to hold almost anything for you, without even asking. Start a conversation with someone, and maintain a dialogue. While speaking, if you casually hand the person you're speaking with an object, they'll almost always just take it without being prompted. I think it helps if youre already holding the object when you start the conversation, but its a fascinating response. 136 Share ...


Some-Cranberry7097 1y ago Here's my comment: Ask them what their favorite color is, then immediately say 'nope, wrong answer.' Watch their reaction. 209 ...


Bensdick-cumabunch 1y ago This doesn't work on everyone, but I've had people carry my stuff for me by first asking them to hold it because I have to tie my shoelaces and while I do that, I'll ask them a question that they have to think hard about, and then just start walking again. It worked on my mom every time we went shopping for groceries up until I told her about it, and I once had a friend walk 4 kilometers with both our school bags and we both died laughing when we got home and my friend realized


toddinraleighnc 1y ago This works great in retail if someone is giving you a hard time. Stare at their forehead. They will become more self conscious and distracted. 11 ...