30 of the Weirdest Ways a Date Took a Left Turn

All a good date needs is one plot twist to take it into bad date territory. Like the Redditor who was having a great time until their date said that “dinosaurs never existed” (oof!), and that fossils are “the Devil’s way of testing our faith” (double oof!). That’s not even close to being the worst one either.

Other Redditors have shared their tales of seemingly normal dates that suddenly took a left turn, including that of a gal’s illegal method of bonding with her mother and a guy with a film-inspired Vegas scheme.


auramistress 10mo ago As soon as he found out I was Latina (apparently I didn't look nor sound like whatever Latino stereotype he had in his head), said Latina!? CALIENTE!!!!, and quickly started making sexual remarks and talking about how he loves Latinas 'cuz they're so hot and spicy and sexual... Nope'd the fuck out immediately. 1.6K Share ...


Tiffanlyn 10mo ago Ordered a pint of beer, it was really good. Got halfway through waiting for the date to show up. She sat down, chatted and said this isn't what I was expecting then got up and left. Ruined my beer. My dating pictures were accurate, so not sure what happened. 2K Share ...


TrailerParkPrepper 10mo ago she got jealous because I was nice to the waitress. Share 6K ...


LWSNYC 10mo ago No me, but my sister, one time she was on a first date, and she was liking the guy, he was checking off all the right boxes, and then he just blurted out my dick is so big, it needs it's own zip code... Then it proceeded to go downhill from there, how many times a day he could ejaculate, etc. She was horrified. 2.3K Share ...


Hannah1308 10mo ago Literally went on a date last night and was going really well until dessert when he said god, I can't wait to put kids in you.. We hadn't even talked about kids at that point. Share 5.8K ...


FrightenedOfSpoons 10mo ago We had dinner and all was going well, and we were wandering down the dark sidewalk engaged in conversation, when she walked straight into a signpost that neither of us noticed. I let out one nervous laugh before I could stop it, and she accused me of engineering the event for my amusement. 7K Share ...


No-New-Therapy 10mo ago Like the first 80% of it was a nice/awkward but cute first date. Then at the end she pulled out her phone and started fighting with people on Twitter and narrating all of it. It was a long drive back. 4.7K Share ...


kelseyboo1001 10mo ago Edited 10mo ago I was out with a guy having a lovely time and he made a comment about a copper bangle bracelet I was wearing. I told him that it was really special to me, I got it during my semester abroad in South Africa from a local. It was a solid copper band but in the middle there was copper wire woven around. Не asked to take a closer look so I took it off and handed it to him. Не then snapped it in half thinking the copper wire was a spring. I was


adtSacklunch 10mo ago She told me she had pretty bad anxiety being in public and asked if she could make me dinner instead. We went for a walk prior to the dinner so we could see if we wanted to do the dinner after. She was super stoked for dinner after our walk. Dinner was great and she asked if wanted to watch a movie. About 20 minutes into the movie she started nudging into me and initiated making out. After starting to really get into the heavier side of things I felt something tap my shoulder. (I am on


10mo ago bearblastingg Dinosaurs never existed. Fossils are the devils way of testing our faith - - check please. Share 1.1K ...


ZeusAlmighty1 10mo ago Went on a nice date with a girl. In the morning when I was driving her back we were talking about how far she lived and she mentioned that it didn't matter she would drive even if she was drunk. I asked why she would do that and she says she used to do it in Idaho all the time so she expects to get a dui at some point. Like what 436 Share ...


Gonzostewie 10mo ago Dinner. Movie. Go back to her place and there it was. I have only 2 words: Pet. Gator. Nope. I'm out. Share 356 ...


gentlybeepingheart 10mo ago Went on a date with a girl and we were hanging out at my place when she saw a spider. I went Hang on, please don't squish it. l'll just get a piece of paper and put it outside. From the kitchen I hear a thump and she stomped it, and then laughed when I got upset. Asked her to leave pretty soon after that and there was no second date. If she had instinctively squished it, then I would be more understanding. But she did it after I specifically asked her not to and was so


clem82 10mo ago Hour long conversation about life, careers, goals. Then she casually dropped that she recently quit her job to be an influencer. Holy fuck no 358 Share ...


Blacksheep28 в 10mo ago I was on a date with a woman who in the middle of dinner said I told all my friends you were a virgin.... But why? Needless to say the whole vibe was off after that. 218 Share ...


TheRealSlabsy 10mo ago Went on a date with a gorgeous girl from college. We had similar tastes in music and I asked her about her Skrewdriver T shirt she was wearing and she went on to brag about the band's white supremacist theme. 990 Share ...


HooterEnthusiast 10mo ago I got her all the way back to my bed where she mocked then she laughed her ass off at my choice of decor said the mood was gone. Then she left 656 Share ...


Round-Fisherman-2570 10mo ago We were on a date having a good time (at least I thought so) until one of her friends showed up and invited her to a band playing across the street. She said that sounds awesome and left. No apology, invitation, reschedule, nothing. I get if you weren't enjoying the date but some common courtesy woulda been nice. 770 Share ...


SpecialBalloonOPS 10mo ago Made a weird sexual joke when we were buying food/snacks. Не said something like 'I'll give you a snack later' and started laughing to himself quite loud and other people heard the whole thing too. It made me super uncomfortable because I'm not into stuff like this, or moving fast in relationships and I lost all interest in him. Share 650 ...


eezgorriseadback 10mo ago I met up for a drink with a girl I had been chatting to online for a few days, and all was going well. We got onto the subject of kids and I told her about mine. She replied with I have three kids. Well, HAD three kids. I had them adopted. I couldn't be arsed with them She invited me back for a shag almost immediately after that, but there was no way I was even considering going. 131 Share ...


HoneydewButterscotch . 10mo ago Не told me he had 3 maxed out credit cards and then proceeded to do his best Peter Griffin impression..... 138 Share ...


foreskinfive 10mo ago Having a great time-- laughing. She rubbed her titties on me and played with her hair. Then after a few more laughs she said I reminded her of her brother. Nuff said. 1.7K Share ...


LordPsychopath 10mo ago I met a single mom at Denny's and we were getting along pretty good and talking about our families and stuff. I mentioned that I don't get along with my dad because he's a narcissist and she said so is my ex and immediately started crying. For the rest of the date I was her psychologist. 2K Share ...


comicsnerd 10mo ago It was a first date in a little restaurant. She was a bit late and had 2 shopping bags, even though we were going to the film after dinner, but ok, it was a Saturday afternoon, so, lots of shopping. The meal was nice, conversation was interesting, she looked cute. And then the police arrived and arrested her because she was shoplifting and security cameras had caught her. 644 Share ...


emotionlessyeti . 10mo ago Не started telling me about how its normal for men to sleep with another woman when they are not sexually satisfied in a relationship without it being considered cheating. Yes, he did say it doesnt work the same way for unsatisfied women :) Share 431 ...


Feline_is_kat D 10mo ago Не started loudly talking about his kinks. In public. Share 5.3K ...


Hopeless_Ramentic 10mo ago Everything was going wonderfully until he got into a fight with a homeless person and then wanted to fly to the Caribbean for our second date. (There was no second date.) 213 Share ...


AintshitAngel 10mo ago Не laughed at my joke and banged his knee against the table which let out a fart. The diners on the neighbouring table heard it and recoiled so he started to speak louder like he was mentally trying to cover up the stench. It was the equivalent of smelling something strange and taking your AirPods out. 373 Share ...


MTAlphawolf 10mo ago I had a buddy that his date was pretty cute. Then she took a phone call from her mom. She then said that she was going to go do meth with her mom and did he want to join. Не declined. 816 Share ...


untamed2020 10mo ago When he asked if we could take my autistic son to Vegas so he could count cards like Rain man. My son was 4 at the time. 185 Share ...