16 Secrets McDonald’s Employees Learned on the Job

Though the code of the Big Mac sauce has been cracked by the moms of Pinterest, there are other unknown wonders still awaiting us at McDonald’s. Like, did you know that a Big Mac bun can be turned into a funnel cake? Were you aware that employees are capable of making grilled cheese? You do now! 

The McDonald’s workers of Reddit have punched the clock and revealed the other modern marvels they discovered while toiling at the fast-food chain, and if you ever need aerodynamic pickles, we know just the place to find them.


[deleted] 3y ago I started working at McDs when I was 15.. the secret is that it's probably one of the cleanest restaurants in your city. The standardizations and routine practices leave little room for employees to think for themselves. It was a way cleaner restaurant than the 30-50$ per person place I would work at later. 5.7K Share ...


YaDrunkBitch Зу ago Nothing really surprised me. My first I have no idea moment was when someone asked for the big spicy from the secret menu or whatever the sandwich is called that's a big Mac but with a spicy chicken patty thrown in as well. 65 Share ...


DemonLord198 . 3y ago McDonald's sells socks, that was the most interesting thing to me. Also most places are stingy on the sauces 95 Share ...


[deleted] 3y ago Dehydrated onions, you put them in a metal thing and just add water The thing is they still taste great! But I was shocked and happy that I didn't have to go cut onions Share 27K ...


J-0-E-E . Зу ago McDonald's makes more in real estate money than the money they get from their food sales. 66 Share ...


mixieplum . 3y ago The chicken nuggets bounce! 277 Share ...


tardissomethingblue . 3y ago You can ask for grilled cheese. We put cheese between two backwards buns and grilled it. Share 371 ...


thebluick . 3y ago I can never forget working breakfast. Those sandwiches need to be cheese, then meat, then egg. If the cheese is next to the egg it makes the egg slip out. 831 Share ...


TheGingernational . Зу ago I worked at McDonalds when they first introduced sweet tea and remember that it was brewed in a large bucket mixing hot water with a full bag of granulated sugar. It makes me sick to think about but I still sometimes crave that disgustingly sweet tasty garbage. 9.3K Share ...


SonofRontgen 3y ago Worked at McDonald's Australia. Back when we had the old cheeseburger buns, before McDonald's got healthy we used to scrunch up the buns and deep fry in the Fry vat. Covered them in sugar, and you end up with something tasting like doughnuts. 1.2K Share ...


4Schorr . 3y ago Order an apple pie and a cup of ice cream and run that SOB through the mcflurry mixer together. You can thank me later. 962 Share ...


MikelGazillion e 3y ago The pickles are surprisingly aerodynamic. They stick to walls and (if you have the stones) managers shirts pretty well. Share 13K ...


[deleted] . 3y ago Before I worked there, always thought they used a grill. . Turns its more of a heated press machine Share 4.9K ...


tardissomethingblue . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago The official deodorizing spray they gave us is the most pleasant thing I've ever smelled in my entire life. Even now, I wish I could smell it again.


abbazabba_3000 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Worked there in high school. Found out that if you put the middle of a Mac bun in the fryer and then add soft serve and strawberry topping, it tastes just like a funnel cake. Custom creations were the best part of working there. Edit; I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about all of your own custom creations. You have all made my work day much less boring, so thank you! 8.4K Share ...


YU15SofaKingdom . 3y ago I don't work there but my son does...he said they clean the grills with Sprite 99 Share ...