25 Facts We Only Know Thanks to Intrepid Archaeologists, Paleontologists and Other Highly Trained Dweebs

As we sit here in our coffin-like janitor’s closet 13 stories underground, we’re grateful that dweebier dweebs than us are out there unearthing some wildly interesting artifacts and previously unknown info. They give us pale and frail keyboard ticklers something fun to relay to the rest of the world. Thank you, dweebs. You’ve given us these findings, but more importantly, you’ve given us purpose.

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Today's snakes evolved from the survivors of the astroid that wiped out dinosaurs CRACKED.COM New research says all living snakes evolved from just a handful of species that weren't killed by that fateful astroid. The huge variety of snakes (over 3,700 species) we have now didn't exist pre-dinosaurs.



Two new dinosaur species might have been discovered CRACKED COM Watch out, Jurassic Park scientists, more dinos are coming. Researchers believe they have discovered bones from new giant predatory species closely related to the Spinosaurus.



Early humans practiced interior design A new study shows that humans who lived 170,000 years ago placed the fire in the optimal place for utility and to avoid smoke, which shows high cognitive abilities. CRACKED.COM



т. Rexes may have had short arms for safety comm A new theory supposes that Tyrannosaurus rex's little arms are to protect the limbs during a feeding frenzy with other т. rexes. CRACKED



All blue-eyed humans have a common ancestor Originally, we all had brown eyes, but a genetic mutation took place around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago among a single individual that has resulted in all the blue-eyed people on the planet. CRACKED



Researchers found the largest bug to ever live A fossil of a millipede that would have been 22 inch wide, 8.6 foot long, 110 pound was found in Northern England. The giant bug would have lived during the Carboniferous Period around 326 million years ago. CRACKED.COM



A new dinosaur species has been discovered only The bones of the newly named Brighstoneus simmondsi were discovered in 1978. As the study author's explains, It's quite common, if not more common, these days to discover new dinosaurs in museum basements rather than out in the field. CRACKED.COM



Cephalopods have been around for 522 million years. GRACKED.COM New fossils indicate that cephalopods (whose modern descendants include squids and octopuses) may be 30 million years older than previously thought.



The bites of a younger T-Rex were less impactful than an adult's CRACKED.COM A lion's bite averages 1300 Newtons. An adult t-rex was capatable of 60,000 Newtons. Even if a young T-Rex wasn't as powerful, it still would be terrifying.



Researchers discovered a 3,000-year-old shark attack victim CRACKED.COM The hunter-gatherer was discovered to have 790 deep, serrated injuries. Не was buried in a communal burial ground.



The oldest known mammal's cavities are 55 million years old CRACKED.COM The cavities were found in the Microsyops latidens, who probably got the cavities from eating fruit.



We solved a mystery of the Venus of Willendorf Created over 30,000 years ago, the ancient piece of art is now believed to have been made from material from Italy. That shows us that the material moved from south of the Alps to the Danube north of the Alps, an incredibly long journey for early modern humans. CRACKED.COM



An abandoned rocket crashed into the farside of the Moon Astronomers thought the discarded part of a rocket might have been from SpaceX, later saying it was Chinese (which China denies.) Either way, the rocket probably left a crater and did minimal damage. CRACKED.COM



The astroid that killed the dinosaurs hit in springtime Dinosaurs were probably enjoying a nice spring day during their final moments on Earth, researchers reveal. They were able to study the bones of fish who were killed less than sixty minutes after the impact. CRACKED.COM



WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM The first Australians ate giant birds' huge eggs Using protein from a prehistoric eggshell, scientists confirmed that people 50,000 years ago ate the 3-pound eggs of the 500-pound flightless Thunderbird, perhaps leading to their extinction.



CRACKED As the Earth's glaciers melt at an alarming rate, ancient artifacts are being uncovered. The Secrets of the Ice project has been surveying the glaciers on Norway's highest mountains in Oppland since 2011 and has found a slew of treasures frozen in time and ice. Almost 3,000 archeological artifacts have been found in Oppland, including wooden skis dating back to circa 700 and Viking swords.



CRACKED As climate change melts ice around the globe, archaeologists are finding ancient artifacts that have been frozen for thousands of years. Sergan Their latest find: an intact arrow used in the Early Viking Age some 1,500 years ago.



CRACKED The Russian Navy has discovered five small islands off the coast of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The discovery was made due to melting glaciers and extreme ice loss, chartered by a team of 60 people over two months. This area is growing in interest due to potential shipping routes opening up as a result of global heating.



CRACKED Researchers have found an ancient forest that was encased in a glacier 1,000 years ago and is only now being exposed as the glacier melts. The team plans to return to the site to learn more about the conditions of the environment at that time.



CRACKED As the climate warms and glaciers melt, archeologists are finding perfectly preserved ancient relics that had been hidden in the ice. One recent discovery is the remains of an iron age horse found two thousand meters up in a Norwegian mountain - one of the first times such an animal has been found at such altitude. The find shows that horses were used for transport in high alpine zones much earlier than previously thought.



CRACKED Climate change is unearthing a long-lost city in the Middle East that has been underwater for decades. The ancient metropolis was revealed when a severe drought forced officials to lower the water levels of the Mosul reservoir in order to save local crops. Researchers believe the ruins are those of Zakhiku, an important center in the Bronze Age's Mittani Empire between 1550 and 1350 BC.



CRACKED A WWII bomb was revealed due to an extreme drought in Italy. The device, which Italian military officials said contained 240kg (530lb) of explosive, was discovered near the Lombardy village of Borgo Virgilio in July and 3,000 nearby residents were evacuated so that bomb disposal experts could safely carry out a controlled explosion on Sunday.



CRACKED The river at Dinosaur Valley State Park dried up due to a severe drought, uncovering new tracks that had been buried under layers of sediment. The park is located southwest of Dallas and the majority of the tracks date back 113 million years.



CRACKED Due to a severe drought, water levels in reservoirs across Spain are at an all time low. This has revealed the long-hidden ruins of 11th century churches and prehistoric stone circles, which have become popular tourist destinations.



CRACKED With the Mississippi River at record lows, investigators are unearthing some hidden mysteries. One of these is a ferry that sank in the river sometime during the late 1800s to early 1900s and has recently emerged in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
