This Color Gradient Puzzle Is Infuriatingly Beautiful

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No matter what your attention span is, no one can resist at least tinkering with a jigsaw puzzle. To those who love them, they are massively fulfilling, deeply soothing conquests. And to the uninitiated, unfinished ones appear like storms to sailors. "What secrets does this pile of seemingly random pieces hide? Dare I start my journey here? I didn't know that I could be so scared and fascinated at the same time."

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But if you've stayed in the puzzle game and are looking for a challenge to massage your weary neurons, you can forget the sea of Dalmatians, the Crab Nebula, or Monet's 500-piece garden. This color gradient jigsaw is easily the most difficult and satisfying one out there.

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Each one of the thousand pieces of this puzzle is filled with a solid CMYK color value, and your task is to figure out the difference between nearly-identical hues. If you happen to be an interior decorating robot sent from the future to decipher colors and enjoy games that have to be played on large flat surfaces, then this shouldn't pose you too much trouble. However, if you're just any old robot sent from the future like the rest of us, then this puzzle is going to take some serious trial and error. And that's the idea. By being able to slowly and methodically solve simple tasks, you'll more easily transition into knocking out the bigger ones, such as putting your bed frame together or destroying all humans.

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If you are a hardened veteran of puzzling or you just need a simple way to get your groove back, Clemens Habicht's Colours Puzzle is 20 percent off the usual cost, at just $39.99.

Missing puzzle pieces may seem like The Great Conspiracy, but we promise that life isn't Broken By Design. You're not getting them all back in the box.

Keep calm and check out The Most Relaxing Cracked Store Sale Yet.