Fox News Science Fun!

So Fox News is running a report on their website that tauts home remedies for medical ailments. Specifically, they recommend rubbing garlic on your skin to combat athlete's foot and jock itch. So ladies, next time you're at the grocery store and you see an anxious guy in line with a bulb of garlic, odds are good that there are four reasons you don't want to have sex with him:
  1. He has jock itch
  2. He has athlete's foot
  3. He reeks of garlic, and, most importantly,
  4. He believes what he hears on Fox News.
Seriously, Fox News, this is the science you wanted to support? Every day you find a new disingenuous way to question the validity of global warming, but you're completely sold on the garlic. Hey, you know what else is good for ending all your fungal worries? Drowning to death in a melted glacier.