Celebrate National Book Lover's Day With These 5 Buys

This piece was written by the Cracked Shop to tell you about products that are being sold there.

It's National Book Lover's Day (that's a thing)! And while we all know that there's nothing quite like cuddling up on your couch with a good book, there's also nothing like making it to work on time, making a reasonable meal, and getting enough sleep. And when it comes to prioritizing all those things, spending time reading doesn't always make the cut. Luckily, technology is here to save you again, this time by literally rewriting the fabric of space to make you a better reader.*

*Disclaimer: None of these products will rewrite the fabric of space. They will help you read more, though.

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Scribd Subscriptions

Celebrate National Book Lover's Day With These 5 Buys

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A Scribd subscription combines audiobooks, eBooks, magazines, newspapers, and more for less than the price of a paperback each month. You simply won't be able to escape all the literature being thrown at you. Best of all, it comes at a paltry $80 (for a one-year subscription, which normally runs $107.88) or $35 (for a six-month subscription, normally valued at $53.94).

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The 2019 Award-Winning Speed Reading Bundle -- Lifetime Subscription

Celebrate National Book Lover's Day With These 5 Buys

Just having access to books doesn't add hours to the clock, but a class in speed-reading certainly saves you some time. This bundle, which includes lifetime subscriptions to 7 Speed Reading EX 2019, Vocab 1, and Spreeder CX 2019, will have your eyes blasting over those words like nothing else.

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A $669 value, grab yours in the Cracked Shop now for just $19.

Become A Speed-Reading Machine: Read 300 Books This Year

Celebrate National Book Lover's Day With These 5 Buys

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Reading 300 books seems like the type of impossible challenge that Jimmy Neutron would pull off to impress a girl, but it's totally possible for normal, non-cartoon humans. This class will teach you all the tricks to make this magic come true, and while it's $195 normally, it's available in the Cracked Shop for just $25.

The 'Improve Your Writing Skills' Master Class Bundle

Celebrate National Book Lover's Day With These 5 Buys

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Writing skills are, as they say, multifarious. (Cool word, huh? Yeah. Knowing words is a writer thing.) So you need to take on a big bundle if you want to keep up with the pros. This one has classes on everything from fiction to publishing to simply building confidence in your writing, and the $1,791 value is reduced to $19.99 in the Cracked Shop.

Pay What You Want: The Complete Copywriting Mastery Bundle

Celebrate National Book Lover's Day With These 5 Buys

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Copywriting is like normal writing, except they pay you for it and sometimes you're convincing people to buy stuff. This class will teach you, for example, that you should tell the reader that they're getting a good deal in as clear a language as you can muster.

A $1,393 value is available now in the Cracked Shop for a special pay-what-you want deal. Seems pretty good to us.

It doesn't matter if you're into Poe and Lovecraft or Comics, all books are good books.

And in honor of this glorious day, Read, Just, ALL Of The Books With These 5 Bundles.