2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans

Nobody truly forgets a classic. It's like how it doesn't matter how many dewbacks you pretend you always meant to put in the scene. People know a perfect Tatooine when they see it (and buy a ticket/VHS the first time around). The same goes for certain icons of pop culture. They don't need updating, just a more accurate angle on what we've always known makes them awesome, if possible rendered in t-shirt form in a range of colors and alright we admit it, this intro was a ploy to get you to look at our new tees.

2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans

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Stupidity has never been more celebrated as, or embodied by, Homer Simpson. We even love it at its impossible depths, like in an episode legendary Simpsons writer George Meyer once said might have dumbed Homer down too far, where Homer thinks a framed picture of Lenny is Lenny. Either way, that all starts from the most famous non-mind in TV history. This design comes from Cracked regular and exceptional artist immelmann and is available on a black or blue tee, and perfectly diagrams Homer's lobes (lobe?) for posterity, crayon and all.

2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans

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Yes, that's the correct year. In 1958 President Eisenhower was still writing his military-industrial complex speech, the Giants and Dodgers were playing their first seasons in California, and Cracked The Magazine began its mission to be better-ish than Mad Magazine through totally original imitation. We've come a long way and become a completely different thing since then, but we haven't forgotten that our brand's got an old school pre-Internet vibe that's totally classic. We're printing this design by Mattographer in four colors, all of them in limited quantities (and the swellest typeface we could find). Get one before we run out, or only have that color you don't think looks good on you. You know the one.

2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans 2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans 2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans 2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans
2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans 2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans 2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans 2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans
2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans
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Our Weekly Dose of Shirt Envy

We like to celebrate the past (when it's awesome), but we don't ever want to lose track of the future. And with so many new shirt designs rolling out on the Internet daily, we're only too happy to share the very best ones with you. Not that you don't already look great. You just deserve an extra day of not needing to do laundry.


2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans
Available at Shirt.Woot.

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2 New Shirts for 'The Simpsons' and Cracked Fans
Available at Headline Shirts

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