19 Ways Americans Don't Realize Life in America Isn't Normal

Here in the states, one of our favorite pastimes is pointing our fingers at other countries and hollering "Look at how whacky those guys are!" But there's some saying about pointing at people but you're really pointing at yourself or whatever -- point being that our shit stinks too. And sometimes worse.

With the help of Hulk Hogan's tag team partner AuntieMeme, we put together some stats that might make you think twice before you shout about how crazy some other part of the world.

Entry by AM Smiley

Latvia's Internet is faster than America's. In 2013, Latvia's Internet speed clocked in at 9.8 Mbps. The U.S. was limping along at 8.2 Mbps during the

Entry by AM Smiley

4 new Hong Kong homes would easily fit in a single new American home. Average square footage of a new home in America: 2,164. In Hong Kong: 484. htp:l

Entry by AM Smiley

Diabetes isn't just more common in the US. than the U.K. It's three times as common. A 2010 study found that 10.3% of Americans aged 20-79 have diabet

Entry by AM Smiley

The Japanese spend twice as much on food as Americans do. In Japan, consumers spend more than 17% of every yen on groceries, while Americans spend 8.6

Entry by AM Smiley

American kids are getting plenty Of exercise relative to other countries, yet they're the most obese. American children aged 11-15 years doing moderat

Entry by AM Smiley

American teens are not just smoking less than their European counterparts. They're smoking a lot less. Teens in Austria are three times more likely to

Entry by AM Smiley

The British have better teeth than we do. In fact, a recent study found that the British have the best teeth of all the nations surveyed. Average numb

Entry by AM Smiley

You might expect America to have twice as many roadways as Canada. It actually has six times the roadways Canada does. And Canada is bigger. The U.S.

Entry by AM Smiley

37% of Americans skip going to the doctor or refilling prescriptions because of the cost. In Great Britain and Sweden, that number is 4-6%. $S A hip r

Entry by AM Smiley

The U.S. population has grown faster than Europe, Japan, and even China over the oast 35 years. Since 1980, the U.S. population has grown about 36%, a

Entry by AM Smiley

Americans are way more into pets than the British are. As of 2014, an estimated 68% of U.S. households, or about 82.5 million, own a pet. In the U.K.,

Entry by AM Smiley

Sick of all the deductions taken out of your paycheck? ln Belgium, they take half of everything. A single person in Belgium pays 50% of their income i

Entry by AM Smiley

The U.S. spends twice as much money on its students as the Slovak Republic, yet the two countries score about the same on tests. The Slovak Republic s

Entry by AM Smiley

Japan has fewer vehicles per person than the U.S., yet they commute twice as far as Americans. In the U.S., there are 797 vehicles for every 1,000 peo

Entry by AM Smiley

In America, 84% of households have washing machines and 80% have dryers. In China, 80% of households have washing machines and 10% have dryers. The Ch

Entry by AM Smiley

Portugal, Spain, and even France have higher divorce rates than the United States. Divorce rate in the U.S.: 53% France: 56% Spain: 61% Portugal: 68%

Entry by AM Smiley

40% of Americans believe in creationism. The worldwide average is 28%. CRACKED COM htolhcse comhewshomoupelimgceatorism-erolutior.aroun-worto08ss

Entry by AM Smiley

Think America's obsession with bacon is skyrocketing? You're thinking of China. Between 1975 and 2013, Chinese pork consumption grew an average of 5.7

Entry by AM Smiley

America incarcerates more Of its citizens than Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and switzerland combined. X 2. The U.S. incarceration rate is 698 per