Underreported Ways The Trump Admin Screwed This Up

PSA: Be safe, stay home, and stay informed. -Ed

Sure, we're all aware that the Trump administration is handling this situation with the grace of a ballerina showing up to work drunk. But you might not know the awful details of how badly they're messing this all up.

That's why we've collected 12 of the more gut-wrenching ones:


JNIT TED! PRESTIGE MERITECH d 6olo 5-0 Vice president Mike Bowen The government didn't take advantage of a chance to make millions of N95 masks. SinceSource: The Washington Post


CDC director Robert Redfield The CDC created an official document on how to reopen the country, but the White House buried it. It was a 17-page reportSource: The Guardian


WHOLE-OF-AMERICA RESPONSE CRACKEDcO Project Air Bridge Stabilizing the Health of People and Supply Chain with Speed FEMA'S ROLE ACCELERATE TRANSPORT OSource: The Washington Post


CRACKED COM A top official says he was demoted for resisting the administration's hydroxychloroquine push. Rick Bright claims he lost his job as head Source: STAT News


CRACKED.CON Ventilators received by the U.S. turned out to be potentially lethal. After personal calls from Trump to Putin, Russia sent New York and NSource: Buzzfeed News


CRACKED.COM The government gave a $354 million supply deal to Phlow, a company led by a pandemic profiteer. Phlow CEO Eric Edwards raised the price ofSource: STAT News


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Mar 27 General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, anSource: Buzzfeed News


CRACKEDCON The remdesivirdistribution program is a total mess. It's totally unclear not only why some medical centers were chosen to receive it, but aSource: STAT News


CRACKED.COM ENLO M The first guy to lead the White House coronavirus task force was a dog breeder. Brian Harrison was HHS secretary Alex Azar's chief Source: Reuters


CRACKED COM Mitch McConnell complained that the Obama admin didn't leave a game plan for this. But actually, they left a 9-page playbook for a globaSource: Kaiser Health News


CRACKED.COM The government sourced medical supplies through inexperienced volunteers. Jared Kushner recruited them, completely bypassing FEMA. They usSource: The New York Times


CRACKED COM A key scientist's grant was killed because of a disinfo campaign. Peter Daszak worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on preventing p