20 Mind-Blowing Comparisons Between Old and New Technology

We know we've come a long way with our technology, but sometimes looking at the past while looking at the present really puts things is perspective.

We asked AuntieMeme, one of our most prolific and talented plasticians, to show us some of these comparisons. Prepare to have your minds blown.

Entry by AM Smiley

The Apollo Space Modules only had 4 KB of memory in their guidance computers. TH STITES U.NNEU NASA Photo: Not even enough to display a photo of the m

Entry by AM Smiley

The 1969 Chevy Camaro Z28 went from 60 in 7.4 seconds. Zj2e The 2014 Toyota Camry goes from 0-60 in 6.4 seconds. httollmusclecars.howstufworks.com/cla

Entry by AM Smiley

A 256 GB thumb drive holds the same amount of data as 213,000 5-1/4 inch floppy disks. 256 GB ofdata, 2.5inches long Commons Wikimedia Getty, Photos:

Entry by AM Smiley

The cheapest Kindle holds 1400 books. Considering that the average hardback weighs about 2 lbs, and the average paperback weighs about 1 lb, that's a

Entry by AM Smiley

Thanks to advances in farming, the average American farmer is able to produce enough food for 155 people. Those advances include motorized equipment,

Entry by AM Smiley

Reduction in Fatalities by Infectious Disease in U.S. Children from 1900-1998, Thanks to Vaccines Smallpox 100% Diphtheria 100% 5 Pertussis 95.7% Teta

Entry by AM Smiley

20 Mind-Blowing Comparisons Between Old and New Technology

Entry by AM Smiley

CRACKED CON The 1938 Bugatti Veyron Type 57SC Corsica had a top speed of 110 MPH, and went from 0-60 in 10 Kimball seconds. Ron Photo: The 2013 Bugatt

Entry by AM Smiley

In 1996, a 20-year-old person in the U.S. with HIV was expected to live about three to five years. Today, that person is expected to live to be 69 yea

Entry by AM Smiley

In the last five years, the death risk for passengers in the United States has been one in 45 million flights. Flying has become so reliable that a

Entry by AM Smiley

Since 1921, fatal car crashes have DROPPED BY 95%7 INAA in ire IMa Creative Deaths per million miles driven Getty in 1921: 24 pne In 2012: 1.13 htto:l

Entry by AM Smiley

As recently CRACKED.COM as 2007, pacemaker surgery meant cutting into the chest and inserting a device about the size of a 50-cent piece with 2 feet o

Entry by AM Smiley

The 1948 Admiral 9A111 CRACKED CON TV set had a screen resolution of 653 by 499 pixels. Commons Wikimedia Photo: Aamiral 653x 499 (Shown at 14.3% size

Entry by AM Smiley

There are currently 17,000 people waiting to receive a donated liver. Once they receive their liver transplants, they will have to take anti-rejection

Entry by AM Smiley

The smallest iPod holds about 480 songs. D0O The Shuffle. at 1.14 by 1.24inches That's roughly the equivalent of 32 cassette tapes. Getty Torres. Cado

Entry by AM Smiley

CRACKEDOON 19th century prosthet arm, made of wood. iron. and leather 21st cent centuryi-Limb. which can be customized to match skin tone. Auctions il

Entry by AM Smiley

A 1965 Super 8 film cartridge held enough film to record 2.5 minutes at 24 frames per second. pre Intel Free aulomB. OZ Kreuznas Grobe/AWI: Hannes Pho

Entry by AM Smiley

20 Mind-Blowing Comparisons Between Old and New Technology

Entry by AM Smiley

Thel885 Kodak box camera No.1 came with film for 100 exposures and had to be sent back to the factory for processing. The average Gettv Smart Phone Ph

Entry by AM Smiley

In 1946, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania created ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), one of the first computers. It was