Conspiracies That Aren’t Theories, They Happened

Look, by and large, conspiracy theories are packed to the brim with certifiable nonsense. The vast majority of them are just fantasies, ploys, or rhetoric to cause division and derision. That said, you may want to keep filling your bunker with canned goods and you may not want to get rid of your tin foil hat just yet. While most conspiracy theories barely have enough evidence to earn an “theory” status over “horse crap," there are a few that actually aren't theories at all, but true history.

Was the Dalai Lama in the CIA's pocket? Did a businessman-based cabal try to overthrow Franklin Delano Roosevelt from the White House? Was the House Committee on Un-American Activities ironically founded by Soviets? The answer is “yes.”

Birds are indeed real and we did land on the moon, but these are the conspiracy exceptions to the rule. Take a look as some conspiracy theories that ended up being conspiracy facts.


The Space Shuttle had a secret purpose: grabbing Soviet satellites out of orbit. The military designed it to capture them and return them to D.C. The For details, read The 5 Dumbest Space Travel Conspiracy Theories (Are True)


CRACKED.COM A fake witness convinced America to launch the first Gulf War. A girl known as Nayirah testified about the situation in Kuwait, and PresidFor details, read 5 Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe (Really Happened)


MI6 faked a Palestinian terrorist attack, to scare Jews' Britain feared mass Jewish migration to Israel would spark a war. So their spy agency blew upFor details, read 5 Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe (Really Happened)


Tulsa's race riot killed hundreds but was covered up for decades. Pilots bombed black neighborhoods, 6,000 black residents were arrested, and a 35-bloFor details, read 5 Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe (Really Happened)


CRACKED COM The Bohemian Grove gentlemen's club performs rituals before a 30-foot owl idol. Members have included presidents Bush, Nixon, and Reagan, For details, read 5 Eerie Conspiracies Theorists Were Right About All Along


The House Committee on Un-American Activities was founded by a Soviet spy. The Committee famously targeted communists, but it originally hunted for faFor details, read 5 Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe (Really Happened)


The KGB had agents in place to cut off power to all of New York state. If the Cold War turned hot, agents would hit infrastructure on the Delaware RivFor more information, read 5 Eerie Conspiracies Theorists Were Right About All Along


The Dalai Lama was on the CIA's payroll. The CIA sent him and his supporters $1.7 million every year throughout the 1960s. A whopping $180,000 annuallFor details, read 5 Eerie Conspiracies Theorists Were Right About All Along


The US turned to grave-robbing to test their nukes' fallout. They even stole dead infants. One mother gave birth to a stillborn baby in 1957, asked foFor details, read 5 Eerie Conspiracies Theorists Were Right About All Along


The FBI infiltrated the civil rights movement to sabotage it. Agents destroyed the Black Panther Party through sparking violence against other activisFor details, read 6 Crackpot Conspiracy Theories (That Actually Happened)


SCIENTOLOGY 5, 000 Scientologists wiretapped and burgled government agencies in the 1970s. They infiltrated 136 organizations, agencies, and foreign eFor details, read 7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened


Nixon ordered his goons to kill a newspaper columnist, He dispatched G. Gordon Liddy and Howard Hunt to off his longtime adversary, columnist Jack AndFor details, read 5 Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe (Really Happened)


The military released 330, 000 mosquitoes in Georgia in 1955. The aim of the operation was to find out how disease- spreading bugs would fare in militFor details, read 5 Military Experiments That Told Ethics To F*ck Right Off


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The military sprayed San Francisco with bacteria in 1950. Within days, people got mysteriously sick. By November, a patient had died. Weird infectionsFor details, read 5 Military Experiments That Told Ethics To F*ck Right Off


America forged papers for Nazis to recruit them for the space program. Publicly, President Truman strictly banned war criminals, even as the country wFor details, read 6 Insane Conspiracy Theories (That Actually Happened)


Businessmen tried to overthrow FDR and install a dictatorship in 1933. The group allegedly included Senator Prescott Bush and the heads of Goodyear anFor details, read 7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened


The government killed 10,000 people by poisoning their booze. ANL During Prohibition, the government spiked industrial alcohol with poison to discouraFor details, read 6 Crackpot Conspiracy Theories (That Actually Happened)


In the 1950s, over 400 journalists were secret CIA plants. They included top-level employees from all three major networks, as well as The New York TiFor details, read 6 Crackpot Conspiracy Theories (That Actually Happened)


The KGB spread the idea that the CIA killed JFK. They forged a letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the CIA and sent copies to conspiracy theorists in AmeFor details, read 6 Insane Conspiracy Theories (That Actually Happened)