25 Celebs Who Left Reality Behind

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Most of us live in a bubble, these days, we get that. But some celebrities are so wildly out of touch with reality, it's like they live on an entire bubble planet. Surrounded by a ring of bubbles. In a bubble galaxy. That's really, really far away from the rest of us.

If you think we're overreacting to how the rich and famous live, take a look at these stories our readers found about celebrities who really, really need a reality check.

Entry by ceelo_purple

SALMA HAYEK'S CHILDREN. CAN BE SUCH A HANDFUL. You have to work very hard to please them all, Hayek was quoted as saying in 2014. If you are making

Entry by mkad

PATRICK STEWART DIDN'T KNOW YOU CAN GET A SINGLE SLICE OF PIZZA. Sir Patrick was 72 when he learned that you can order just a slice rather than a whol

Entry by dritjon

TYRESE GIBSON THOUGHT THAT PANDORA RADIO WAS A FAN. Tyrese tweeted his thanks in 2011 to this Pandora girl who seemed to like his stuff SO much. #Visi

Entry by Scott Laffey

MADONNA RECOMMENDS PEEING ON YOUR OWN FEET. Peeing in the shower is really good, Madonna told a flabbergasted David Letterman in 1994. It fights at

Entry by mkad

NANCY GRACE THINKS POT MAKES YOU A MURDERER. According to Grace, if someone commits a crime after smoking weed, it's because they smoked weed. People

Entry by djHanDon

25 Celebs Who Left Reality Behind

Entry by Underdawg5

PAUL RYAN LIKES... UH... RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE? Ryan said once that he listened to Rage Against the Machine- which prompted Tom Morello, the band's

Entry by AM Smiley

MICHAEL DOUGLAS SAYS GIVING ORAL SEX IS GOOD FOR YOU (ALSO BAD). This particular cancer is caused by HPV, which actually comes about from cunnilingus

Entry by Rachel P.

FERGIE DRINKS VINEGAR. Fergie claims that she does shots of organic apple cider vinegar, as it apparently helps the body to digest food and flush out

Entry by dritjon

KESHA'S PLACENTA GIVES HER SUPERPOWERS (or SO she says). My favorite keepsake is my placenta, Kesha said in 2011. My mom found it in my basement. c

Entry by Scott Laffey

JENNIFER ANISTON WASTES WATER TO SAVE WATER. Aniston has said that, in order to save water, she takes very short showers -where she also brushes her t

Entry by JasonGaston

LADY GAGA FEARS SOMEONE MIGHT STEAL HER CREATIVITY WITH SEX. In a 2010 interview, Lady Gaga shared that she was celibate for an unusual reason: I hav

Entry by Scott Laffey

ALICIA SILVERSTONE THINKS YOU CAN JUST STOP WORKING. In her book The Kind Mama, Silverstone suggests you should take one year off work to be with your

Entry by djHanDon

HELEN MIRREN NEVER USES THE PHONE. Dame Helen must get a lot of calls from movie producers -which she doesn't pick up. I'm very frightened of the pho

Entry by AM Smiley

HEATHER MILLS DOESN'T KNOW HOW MEAT WORKS. The former model and and onetime wife of Paul McCartney thinks it takes you decades to poop out a sausage a

Entry by dritjon

PARIS HILTON HAS HAD A TOUGH LIFE, APPARENTLY. Hilton, born a millionaire, whose job has always been to be rich and famous for the camera, has gone on

Entry by mkad

LARRY DAVID NEVER TOOK A PHOTO. David admitted in 2013 that he doesn't have much enthusiasm for all that photography business. >nutomatio KONICA I've

Entry by Scott Laffey

NO TIME TO WORK OUT? GWYNETH PALTROW THINKS YOU'RE JUST LAZY. Paltrow thinks you have no excuse not to exercise two hours a day, even if you're a mom.

Entry by ceelo_purple

DAVID CAMERON KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT HIS VOTERS' DAILY BREAD. Back when he was prime minister of the UK, Cameron was asked on radio if he knew the price

Entry by woweewow

LAUREN SANTO DOMINGO NEVER WASHES HER OWN HAIR. We're not saying that Santo Domingo's hair is ever dirty. She's an editor at Vogue- -you'll never see


RANDY QUAID IS AFRAID OF STAR WHACKERS. Quaid and his wife have sought refugee status in Canada, claiming they were targeted by a secret conspiracy


NICOLAS CAGE SEEMS CRACKEDcO TO THINK HE HAS INFINITE MONEY. Cage sued his former business manager in 2009 for causing his financial ruin. The manager

Entry by JasonGaston

CRACKED COM MEGAN FOX BELIEVES IN LEPRECHAUNS. Fox has said that she believes in the little green Irish dudes. (But not the pot of gold, because rea

Entry by Vincent Pall

JOHN FLEMING SAYS THAT SIX FIGURES A YEAR AIN'T ENOUGH TO LIVE ON. Today he is Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. But back when