Here's How You Feel Like A Super-Genius (For Tiny Reasons)

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Let's just say it: A lot of the world around us seems like it was created specifically to make us feel dumb and confused. The good news is, a surprising number of truly mundane things can make us feel like absolute rock stars. Take that, world!

It's these ordinary, workaday experiences that leave you feeling utterly brilliant.

Entry by YappyDoo

I feel like a NINJA whenever I effortlessly catch something that was suddenly tossed to me even when I know it was just pure luck.

Entry by Hestutomo

Putting the last piece of a 2000-piece puzzle will make me feel accomplished for the whole week.

Entry by Gino Reyes

successfully parallel parking my car in one motion makes me feel like a member of the BASIT& crew. FURIOUS


I On the three times a year that it happens, being part of a smooth zipper merge in heavy traffic makes me feel like an expert driver.

Entry by Hestutomo

When I need to open a certain page of a book, I always try to get to that exact page on the first flip. Now Severus, all? afe. after boy, Patronum!


When I can remember exactly where I heard or read something from longer than an hour ago, feel like an absolute master of memory. CRACKEDCON COM

When I peel an orange, and I get the skin off in one piece ... I feel like an absolute genius.

Entry by Julioceg

I'm the best mechanic expert just by checking my car's engine oil level.


I FEEL LIKE A ROCK STAR when I look up the lyrics to a song I thought I misheard and discover I was singing them correctly. CRACKEDC

Entry by PollyDarton

I've become the go-to person for my trivia team when it comes to guessing the music for the music bonus. I get it right a lot. Even when it's a tota

Entry by scandata

Whenever the box and the milk jug both empty at the same time to make full bowl a of ccreal, it feels like just matched all six lottery numbers. CRACK

Entry by ERRiley

When I don't spill a single drop of medicine... I feel like a brain surgeon. CRACKED

Entry by smrglss

Successfully getting my Sims to graduate and land their dream jobs, without using any cheats, makes me feel like an accomplished parent. CRACKED cO

Entry by smrglss

Nothing says brave and heroic than being the only person in the office who isn't scared to kill the cockroach. CRACKEDCON

Entry by Julioceg

DISCOUNTS! -20% 70% 400 -80% -50% -60% 30% -109 It makes me feel like a math wizard knowing the exact amount to pay for an item after mentally calcula

Entry by Kristina Yong

Whenever I wake up right before my alarm rings... 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 I feel like I've got spidey senses! CRACKED

Entry by Kristina Yong

CRACKEDOON Whenever I'm the first person to figure out what the crying baby wants, I feel like the world's best baby whisperer!

Entry by nomination

OODIOW Typing really fast flawlessly and without looking at the keyboard makes me feel like a superhuman!

Entry by Tee Ngin Rui

When the photocopier in my office isn't working, I give it a kick and it starts running normally. IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A GENIUS. O

Entry by Kristina Yong

Whenever my paper plane flew the further than everyone else's as a kid, the others would come to me to learn how to make better ones. In that moment,

Entry by Tee Ngin Rui

mis fir i S I can always Pefft read people's t c handwriting, oll no matter O etlh how bad it is, making me feel mas tu smart every Scu. Ic time. Doff

Entry by Kristina Yong

Whenever successfully identify a singer or actor just by the sound of their voice, I feel like a walking, talking search engine. That's right, Google,

Entry by Chan Teik Onn

Walking through the tool aisle gives me a rush of testosterone. I look like a badass who knows how to handle a power tool. The fact that I am there ju

Entry by ERRiley

When I get a uniform cut on all my veggies... I feel like a professional chef. CRACKED COM

Entry by scandata

CRACKEDCON Whenever help my grandmother with even the simplest computer problem, I feel like a superhero.

Entry by Vinxman

Tying bow tie a correctly, totally makes me feel CRACKED.COM BOND as F#%K!