25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

You ever do or create something that you thought was going to be taken one way, only to find out the world saw it differently? Sometimes, you don't wind up with egg on your face, you wind up with it all over your body. And your red face burns through all the yolk, making it into scrambled eggs, which look just really weird on your face.

Anyway, movies and shows are no different: they love to create big, dramatic moments, deliberately crafted for the feels. The thing is, sometimes those huge dramatic moments turn out to be inadvertently hilarious, when viewers actually clap their eyes on them. And since a movie or show can't have egg on its face we mentally put it there with a snicker or an outright belly laugh.

We asked our image artists to show us dramatic cinematic moments that left them amused, instead of awestruck. And boy, did they pull it off.

Entry by PollyDarton

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Kevin King

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by T. S. Obiech

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by PollyDarton

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Kristina Yong

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by JarOCats

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by PollyDarton

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Kalli

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Kalli

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by JarOCats

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Tee Ngin Rui

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes


GREASE The final note of Summer Nights. What should've been a powerful end to a great song was hilarious thanks to John Travolta's nasal screech.

INDSNYONS In NAJONES and the LAST CRUSADE Vogel's tank sails off a cliff, He turns into what is clearly a doll, Then we jump to a closeup of his face.

Entry by Ruyc

Meet the Sardaukar: the ultimate military force in the Dune miniseries, loyal to the Emperor ot the universe. No, really, these guys are supposed to b

Entry by PookieJones

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Kevin King

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Ka-ga-mi

In Man of Steel, when Superman has to save Lois from a dire threat, his sudden decision to do an impression of Jesus Christ turns the scene into a bad

Entry by Quinton Darby

IS1D OSE In One Hour Photo, there's a quick montage of Robin Williams breaking into a family's home and going through their stuff. The whole scene fil

Entry by Sagar Parikh

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by RayMav

Iam your father. N000000000000ooooo!! This cult scene always gets me. The face Luke makes while wailing into oblivion, and his struggle to hold on t


IHDROIY. CRUEL INTENTIONS is supposed to be a high-stakes story of torrid love and sexuality. O Poueen Winit Ua Soe ha eal MLK The reveal of Sebastian

Entry by Hildifons

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes

Entry by Chan Teik Onn

25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes


25 Unintentionally Funny Movie/TV Scenes