The 18 Most Incriminating Google Search Histories Possible

Google is great for a lot of things. But what's not great is the unfortunate way it can reveal to loved ones how screwed up your life really is.

We asked our readers to compile the most disturbing Google searches ever, gave money to the most messed up, and then realized that these were probably based on their own lives ...

Entry by Lunachick71

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Entry by alienlion

CRACKEDCON Google d do you think bruce wayne is hot dent sucks disinfectants for bat scratches diagnosing throat cancer does guano stain designs for s

Entry by Rachel P.

Google CRACKEDCON where is the forbidden forest where to find unicorn will unicorn blood grow nose working nose growth methods what to do about lack o

Entry by scythepuppet

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Entry by Danzy

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Entry by XanaduBlue

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Entry by HeikeOtt

Google f a +Barack E Share fake birth certificate Remove takad birth certificate Remove faked birth certificate US Remove forgery experts Remove forge

Entry by 404notfound

CRACKED.COM Google ho nodor ho dor noodor hhoddor hodoorrir hhoodorrrit hoddoooorrit Nhooododooortt hhhroooooddddooormmr hhhhhhooooooddddooorrnrr hot

Entry by AugustusDoom

CRACKEDCON 4Fred_F Gmail Im Google How 0 How do I get my best friend to swap wives + Barney_R Gmail Ima Google How Howdo I get my best friend to swap

Entry by Tim Barzyk

CRACKEDCON Google Ch labor from Loompaland Cheap Child labor laws Chinese outsourcing Cheating the union state inspection Chanceof rights Chimp animal

Entry by luvthecubs

Google def A Share hdanadalnatine definition of maul definition of sidious definition of tyranus definition of vader Prese Enter to search. CRACKEDCON

Entry by AprilPi

CRACKEDCON +Jack Gmail Images n Share Google al 0 all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy alienating yourself from society alcohol recipes from scr

Entry by ecopper12

CRACKED.OOM Google fomeo rome and juliet romeo and sarah romeo and jenny romeo and david romeo and bridgette romeo and holly romeo and jane romeo and

Google m make him put a ring on it make him propose mordor optometrist medical advice cast iron suit chafing mordor karaoke club middle earth tripadvi

Entry by Scott Laffey

CRACKEDCON +Shia Gmail Images n Share Google Pla 0 Playing possum Plagiarize a plagiarism apology Plagiarism apology Plagiarism consequences Plagiariz

Entry by Paka

The 18 Most Incriminating Google Search Histories Possible

Entry by TurdScarsdale

Google how to open the pod bay doorsl I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Press Enter to search. CRACKEDO

Entry by Tim Babb

Goo s superman superman is the best supermanfan fic superman batman shipping Press Enter 10 search