The 17 Most Disastrous 'Sexts' Possible

Here we are, deep into the information age and our communications are sloppy as ever. Even our "sweet nothings" and "nasty talk" are being expedited via the wonders of text messaging. And, well, like anything else associated with our smart devices, disaster is inevitable.

With that in mind, we asked you to conjure some of the worst texts that could result from this type of the behavior. The winner is below, but first the runners-up ...

Entry by ulyssesdraco

4:57 Janice The Body Jones Baby 1 just saw that sexy movie everyone is talking about and there's a really HOT scene think we could like totally recr

Entry by Tim Babb

CRACKED ..00 Sprint < Messages 12:41 A David 50 % G. Contact Teday want you What in my Bed there? would we do if was I'd use private you like sex my t

Entry by DoctorWhat

The 17 Most Disastrous 'Sexts' Possible

Entry by Danzy

CRACKED COM BOOf C-3P0 30 11:23 AM Messages R2-D2 EA Beep-boop-bop Now what are you going on about? Stop sending me Dick-pics!!! O Send

Entry by Tim Babb

The 17 Most Disastrous 'Sexts' Possible

Entry by John Mulroy

AT&T 3G 11:36 AM Messages Lou B. Edit I want u 2 come over, rip my dress off and make my toes curl, babe! X I'll have you seeing stars, Monica! Monica

Entry by John Mulroy

mll_. WOS 3G 10:23 PM Messages Osha Edit X A mystery kiss?! Who dis? Got any more? X Ho! X THE FUCK YOU CALLING A HO?? I'LL FUCKIN GUT YOU AND FEED YO

Entry by Phighter

Verizon 3G 6:46 PM Messages Brenda Edit Oh Eddie, you have to help me! I'm all tied up... and I need a big strong man to rescue me... what should I do

Entry by TheBuzzard

MFGUEST 9:16 PM Messages nerfherder Edit Chewie, that you? Still not interested, bro O ITS LEIA ASSHOLE Send

Entry by Phighter

The 17 Most Disastrous 'Sexts' Possible

Entry by WhatAbout

Virgin 3G 6:09 PM Messages Jim Jr. Edit I enjoyed last night. A bit rough but I liked it. Glad I don't have to worry about pregnancy now. Same tonight

Entry by veryfinehat

mI_ Sprint 3G 1:33 AM Messages lonelygrl_92 Edit mmm, sounds hot. : ;) So tell me what you look like. your profile pic's kinda blurry. Well, people sa

Entry by donkeydude987

mml_. Verizon 3G 11:43 PM Messages Gamora Edit I am Groot Yea? ;) what else are you going to do to me? I am Groot Keep going you silver tongued devil

Entry by Sonny Time

01 AT&T 3G 7:27 PM Messages Teri VNAN Edit PPSPNP I'm in the mood to play. Can you come over? What a coincidence. I got some new toys. Oohhh. What kin

Entry by mattographer

CRACKED COM asll Verizon 3G 9:34 AM Messages Sloth Edit SLOTH LOVE CHUNK! Send

Entry by Paka

...00 AT&T 3G 5:18 PM 100% Messages Unknown Contact Sure, I remember you from the bar. I kept calling you Fifty Shades. Cuz you're rich and kinda look

Entry by LilySprite

Messages Boyfriend <3 Edit Can you come pick me up in your car? I really want to fool around ;) message not sent I'd rather not Why?? It's just really