13 Movie, Science, History, And More Now-You-Know Facts

Why the heck are female sharks' skins so thick? And what's the total number of bones within your body? What color are a scallop's eyes? What did people do before toilet paper was invented?

Why aren't more individuals interested in science? We feel it might have to do more with how science is taught in our classrooms and less with the info itself, because there is a lot of fascinating stuff out there.

With all that in mind, we've compiled a list of fascinating scientific facts, which we hope will motivate you to learn new things every day, as they have for me. This collection, however, is far too small: contribute to it by leaving your own facts and data.

In this unusual list of scientific and historical interesting facts, you'll find the answers to these and other questions.

You'd think having a large restaurant chain named after you would be flattering, but apparently not. Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's, had to apologize to his daughter Wendy. Continue reading for more information on it, as well as 12 more stories...


One motto of the U.S. nuclear missile launch crew is Death Wears Bunny Slippers. DEATH WEARS BUNNY They spend their days on nuclear-alert duty in a

Source: WIRED


In Elizabethan England, they played a weird game after Christmas dinner. It was called shoe the mare, and it involved one person running around bare

Source: Sky History


In 2013, 69-year-old Canadian Bill Ayotte attacked a polar bear with a shovel to save a stranger. They were both seriously injured, but survived, and

Source: Toronto Star


Drew Carey hasn't needed glasses since 2010. He's only kept wearing them because they're part of the look people associate with him. I have a whole c

Source: Chron


The Full Metal Jacket set was surprisingly toxic Cliterally). They shot some of the Vietnam scenes in Beckton Gas Works -- where the actors were crawl

Source: iNews


The Pentagon made the Black Hawk Down team take a rapist out of the movie. In real life, the soldier John Grimes was actually John Stebbins, who ended

Source: 5 Creepy Changes The Government Forced On Movies & TV Shows


Patrick Stewart would never have starred in ThE Next Generation if he'd known how long it would be on the air. He thought it'd go on for four or five

Source: BBC


Men in Black was totally altered at the last minute. Two weeks before the final cut was supposed to be done, director Barry Sonnenfeld changed the en

Source: Ain't It Cool News


Orson Welles wore a fake nose all the time. He thought his real one was too fine and didn't have enough character. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture


The press tour for Stargate inspired Independence Day. INDEPEDECE DAY When Roland Emmerich told a reporter he didn't believe in aliens, the reporter a

Source: FilmSchoolRejects


Disney almost made a theme park attraction based on the 1990s PC puzzle game Myst. They were going to make a real-life Myst island on an unused island

Source: SlashFilm


In 2016, they found a dinosaur tail preserved in amber. And it was covered in feathers, which made it the first direct, unambiguous piece of evidence

Source: National Geographic


Dave Thomas apologized to his daughter for naming Wendy's after her. He understood that it put a lot of pressure on her, and said You know what? I'm

Source: People Magazine