Complete A Puzzle, Win $1,000,000

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Once upon a time, you could compete in a game show to win a bunch of money from the teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off that he would undoubtedly get back from insurance companies, and now, network television is running out ways to give away massive amounts of money for practically zero investment. Do you really think MGM is giving you $1,000 to start betting in their sportsbook? Of course not. So we're getting in on the fun. Follow us down the money brick road, and do it soon because right now, The One Million Dollar Puzzle by MSCHF is an extra 20% off when you use promo code BFSAVE20 (expires 11/28).

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The One Million Dollar Puzzle is, as astute readers might have gathered, a puzzle that you can complete to win a million dollars. Made by MSCHF -- a street art collective that actually has money, unlike the graffiti artists in the alley behind your favorite coffee shop -- this puzzle is a step up from The One Hundred Thousand Dollar Puzzle, but the rules are the same. Just buy this 500-piece jigsaw puzzle, complete it, and you'll win something.

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Seriously -- it's guaranteed. Every puzzle assembles into a QR code, and when you scan it, you'll be directed to a web page where you could win 25 cents, $100, $1,000, $10,000, or $1,000,000. It's just like a game show, except it's impossible to walk away empty-handed and you're doing an activity no one wants to watch.

Yes, it's extremely, extremely likely that you will win 25 cents, but combined with the $10 savings you're getting from this deal, that's not bad! It's not like you weren't going to spend a cozy winter afternoon holed up with a puzzle anyway. Get The One Million Dollar Puzzle by MSCHF for just $19.99 (reg. $30) when you use promo code BFSAVE20 today, and make that puzzle work for you.

Prices are subject to change.