Beat The Heat With These Portable A/C Units

This piece was written by the Cracked Shop to tell you about products that are being sold there.

Things are heating up around the country and we don't mean in a sexy way. You're a smart cookie, so we know you're already thinking about ways to beat the heat when it becomes truly unbearable, and we've rounded up some great ways to cool off, all of which are on sale. That's called "teamwork."

Keep It Cool Mini Personal Air Cooler

MSRP: $89

Sale Price: $44.99 (49% off)

With three fan speeds and a multi-directional air vent, this personal, portable air conditioner cools, humidifies, and purifies the air all around you to tackle whatever nuisance the climate can throw at you. Heat? Chilled. Dryness? Wettened. Smoke? Make sure your detectors work, then breathe easy.

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Mini Air Conditioning Cooling Fan

MSRP: $59

Sale Price: $49.95 (16% off)

This cooling fan may look like an ordinary fan, but it can lower the temperature in your personal space by 3-5 degrees with a strong gust of cool air. It also has three speed options that let you adjust the airflow, from "gentle breeze" to "The Day After Tomorrow."

Nordic Hygge AirChill: Personal Evaporative Cooler

MSRP: $99

Sale Price: $69.99 (29% off)

This advanced evaporative cooler is a 4-in-1 solution for cooling, humidifying, and purifying your air with a sweet LED to set the ambiance. Hey, it's not called "Hygge" for nothing.

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EvaChill EV-500 Personal Air Conditioner

MSRP: $99

Sale Price: $79.99 (19% off)

This eco-friendly Red Dot Design Award winner features patented EvaBreeze(R) material. We don't know what that means, but we do know that it lowers the air temperature around you just by evaporating the water in its tank. Science, bish!

Cielo Breez Plus Smart A/C Controller

MSRP: $149

Sale Price: $108.99 (26% off)

Look at those cool cats in the background of that photo. See how cool they are? That's how you'll feel all the time with this Wi-Fi-enabled smart controller designed for ductless air conditioners. Set intelligent triggers, control your AC, reduce your electricity bills, and more. (Matching business casual not included.)

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Costway Evaporative Air Cooler

MSRP: $199

Sale Price: $134.99 (32% off)

Unlike a fan that just circulates the oppressive heat around you like some kind of human-size air fryer, this evaporative cooling fan produces higher wind volume and has the ability to actually lower the air temperature as it blows it around. Just put the included Ice Crystals in according to the instructions and let 'er rip.

Costway Portable Air Conditioner

MSRP: $299

Sale Price: $169.99 (43% off)

It's R2D2 for cooling temperatures! This multifunctional evaporative air cooler distributes clean, cool air through a non-compressor system that operates extremely efficiently. It's an economical way to cool off your whole house because it will roll around all over the place with you like your own personal droid friend but more useful.

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Sensibo Air + Room Sensor

MSRP: $199

Sale Price: $178.95 (10% off)

Be the true master of your air conditioning! This smart A/C controller retrofits any air conditioner (or heat pump if you're into the sauna thing) to turn it into a smart sensing machine. Then you can use a remote control to schedule the A/C or put it on a motion sensor so it'll activate as soon as you enter the room, unless you don't want to feel like an all-powerful air bender for some reason.

July AC: Smart WiFi-Controlled AC

MSRP: $375

With code AC30: $345

July slips into your window like any other air conditioner from the 1980s, but then it can be controlled with Amazon Alexa or Google Home, all while using three times less energy than other units. It might just reduce your energy bill by up to 10% while making you feel like you live in the Jetsons.

Costway 10000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner

Sale Price: $399.99

Okay, you caught us. This one's not on sale, but it's such a beast that we couldn't not tell you about it. This portable A/C dehumidifies and cools down rooms up to 400 square feet in a hurry. Just put on your Mr. Freeze costume and live out your dreams. What? You don't have a Mr. Freeze costume?

Prices subject to change.