5 Greedy Abuses Of Power By The Most Trustworthy People

We're taught to be wary of untrustworthy figures, which is why most people manage to never see the inside of a clown-driven panel van. Then again, those same dumb teachers also tell us to trust our pillars of the community, be it spiritual, judicial, or otherwise. And when (not if, when) these saintly authority figures betray that trust, they often do it with such evil malice you'll start thinking twice before letting the Pope hold your credit card. For example...


A Nashville Judge Got Caught In A Sex Scandal, Doubled Down On Crime

If you were told you'd have to appear in front of Nashville Judge Casey Moreland, you'd breathe a sigh of relief. Judge Moreland was known as a lenient judge, a man with kind eyes who was willing to give a lot criminals the benefit of the doubt. At least, if they'd also let him give them the benefit of his dick.

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Judge Moreland's lenience was a tit-for-tat situation, or more specifically, tit-for-traffic tickets. Moreland would wave away minor violations and court fees in return for sexual favors from female victims, something he called "using his superpowers," which is a weird way of phrasing "being a gross and corrupt abuser." And he wasn't subtle about it either. After one of his alleged victims committed suicide, he switched to one of her friends, whom he told, "You now officially owe me" after getting rid of some court fees. He also texted her, "My desk still has butt marks on it!!" because he very much understood tact in a time of grief.

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When the scandal came to light and the Department of Justice came a-knocking, a lesser criminal would've thrown in the towel. But as a judge, Moreland knew that crime always pays if you just keep doing more of it. To get out of trouble, he tried to get a cop to plant drugs on the DOJ witness during a traffic stop. He also tried to bribe her with thousands of dollars to sign an affidavit claiming she had put her butt prints on his desk as a "joke." That bribe money, as it turned out, Moreland had stolen with the help of a staffer from the Tennessee Recovery Foundation, a nonprofit that helps recovering addicts. Because is it really a crime when you steal from convicted drug addicts?

Yes. Yes, it is.Grayson County Detention CenterYes. Yes, it is.

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Fortunately, the staffer was wearing a wire. Not because Moreland would've gotten away with it otherwise (he covers up crimes about as well as a sheet of plastic wrap), but because he openly admitted to all the other obstructions of justice, saving everyone a bunch of time and resources. He resigned as a judge, lost his pension, and spent 44 months in jail. As a postscript, the scandal might bring down even more officers of the court as Moreland told the FBI that he took trips with other judges and prosecutors to bang prostitutes and smoke weed in Costa Rica, adding "snitch" to his already broad resume of legal experiences.

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One Of Mother Teresa's Nuns Was Arrested For Human Trafficking

The Missionaries of Charity are the Mother Teresa of being Mother Teresa. Founded by the literal saint herself, these selfless nuns feed the poor, tend to the sick, and care for the imprisoned. And only very, very, rarely, they'll sell babies for sackloads of cash.

What did she even plan on spending the money on? Gold trim?The Times of IndiaWhat did she even plan on spending the money on? Gold trim?

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In 2018, Indian authorities noticed that a baby had vanished from a home for unwed mothers. Surely, this was some sort of bureaucratic oversight as those babies were being sheltered by none other than Sister Koncilia, a disciple of Mother Teresa herself and part of the country's vast Missionaries of Charity care home network. Fortunately, it turned out that the baby had not gone missing. Instead, it had been sold like a black market piece of lion meat to the highest bidder.

When an inspection was launched into the home, its staffers were quick to confess their sins to the police. It seems that Sister Koncilia and a staff member named Anima Indwar had been systematically selling infants for illegal adoption, charging big sums to adoption candidates and masking them as hospital fees. The couple of Catholic Church human traffickers had already shipped off four babies, including a six-month year old boy for the low, low price of $730 and a nun's eternal soul.

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Both Koncilia and Indwar were arrested and (since this is the very powerful Catholic Church we're talking) that's the last thing anyone ever heard of the case. If there's any silver lining, the Indian government does now plan on forcing all religion-backed childcare facilities to register with the authorities and abide by the same rules that non-religious adoption institutions must follow. Namely, to not auction off the wains to any scumbucket who puts a little extra in the weekly collection plate.

So Many Fertility Doctors Sneak Their Own Sperm Into Patients

A while ago, we talked about the heinous fertility doctor Cecil Jacobson and his plan to plant his gross seed in women all over the world (or at least suburban southeastern Michigan). But it turns out he's far from the only doctor who, instead of the promised donor, has been inserting his own dastardly sperm into the bellies of unsuspecting mothers-to-be.

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Alarmingly, the act of performing illicit injections of mangurt has constantly been happening all over the place and we're only now learning of the scale thanks to DNA testing. Like the case of the outrageously coiffed Dr. Bernard Norman Barwin, who scandalized Canada in 2016 when testing finally confirmed he had inseminated countless unsuspecting women with the wrong sperm, including his own, throughout the seventies and eighties. At that same time, disgraced Dr. Donald Cline from Indiana also managed to shove his seed into countless desperate mothers without anyone being the wiser. He was only caught when some of his unsuspecting children discovered their dozens of half-siblings through the genetic testing site 23andMe.

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But lest you think only North American doctors believe in their own jizzy exceptionalism, this plague of unwanted physician babies is a global one -- fertility doctors from England, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands have each been caught passing their gross creep genes to dozens of victims. Unfortunately, most places don't criminalize the practice of putting your sperm in someone who didn't give their consent. Like his colleague perverts, Cline only lost his medical license and was judged on two counts of obstruction of justice without seeing a single day of jail time. In fact, only three U.S. states and a handful of countries have classified this heinous act as a form of sexual assault, meaning most of these monsters who have spent their entire career taking advantage of women's wombs will be allowed spend the rest of their lives freely taking advantage of the Father's Day specials at their local Denny's.

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A Priest Is Accused Of Embezzling Millions Of Dollars To Build A Massive Mansion

We hear so many horrible stories of pedophile scandals, it's hard to remember that once upon a time the Catholic Church was much better known for something else: massive financial corruption. But Reverend Jonathan Wehrle is here to remind us that plenty of priests are still stealing from the poor and giving to themselves.

If the gates of heaven are encrusted in pearls, is it so wrong to want the same for my bidet?FOX 47 News/WSYM Lansing, MichiganIf the gates of heaven are encrusted in pearls, is it so wrong to want the same for my bidet?

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Pictured above is the estate of Rev. Jonathan "Father Jon'' Wehrle, who tended to a wealthy flock at the St. Martha Parish in Okemos, Michigan. Father John's modest palace is 11,300 square feet and has eight bedrooms, twelve bathrooms, three stables, a lavish library, a wine cellar and an indoor swimming pool -- which you'll notice is quite a few more rooms than a single priest sworn to a life of celibacy needs. It was also just enough space to house his twelve flat-screen TVs, ten fireplaces, many hot tubs, canopy beds and two 15-foot statues of lions. He also has a lot of finely embroidered pillows with Jesus Christ's face on them, lest people forget that we're describing the house of a priest and not Coolio's episode of MTV Cribs.

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Altogether, contractors estimated the palatial estate must've cost Wehrle close to $4 million. At which point some folks did some quick maths and realized he needed to be as old as Methuselah to have saved up that kind of money on a $42k priestly salary. Instead, the state is accusing Wehrle of stealing upward of $5 million from his congregation and funneling it through his personal expenses, which allegedly include "$213,433 to purchase, install and maintain pipe organs in his home." Wehlre claimed total innocence, right up to the point that police found $63,000 stashed in the ceiling in his basement with paper bands reading: "For deposit only -- St. Martha Parish and School."

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Finally caught, Father Jon's defense was twofold. First, that a now-dead bishop said it was totally cool for him to take all that money. Secondly, that the purchase of a palace was necessary because he needed a place to store his three massive organs -- not including the fourth one dangling between his legs. Neither proved great gambits against the half a dozen counts of embezzlement. But with his legal fees now being covered by Opus Bono, a Catholic cover-up nonprofit and sadly not a Latin-language U2 cover band, Wehlre's real strategy is to just keep stretching out the trial as long as possible, probably hoping to run out the clock before he can be put in jail in the vain hope his afterlife is going to be anywhere near as nice as his mansion.

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A World Class Doctor Mutilated Hundred Of Women For Some Extra Cash

For over thirty years, Dr. Paul Shuen wasn't just Toronto's best obstetrician but one of the best baby puller-outers in the world. But more importantly than being a good caregiver, Shuen prided himself in being a good capitalist, always trying to find efficient ways to increase his income. Even if it meant increasing his patients' suffering.

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Dr. Shuen had the most lucrative career an ob-gyn in Canada could have. His patients had an unlikely 50-50 chance of going into labor during the weekend, allowing Shuen to charge a lot more for his expertise. Of course, providence had little to do with it. Nurses began discovering half-dissolved white pills inside the vaginas of several of Shuen's pregnant patients. Without their consent, Shuen had been shoving modified abortion cocktails into pregnant women to induce labor at a time of his choosing and, in the process, endanger the lives of both the mother and the child, at one point causing heart failure in an unborn child and necessitating an emergency C-section.

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Shuen was also more than willing to cut into women to speed things up, especially since unnecessary procedures also meant he was allowed to charge more. Another patient had discovered Shuen had sliced open her perineum because he had been unhappy with the speed of her labor. Since she'd had an epidural, the new mother only noticed something wrong with her plumbing three days later. It didn't take as long for another of Shuen's patients to realize the carnage he inflicted as she woke up in the hospital to discover Shuen had cut off her clitoris during a procedure for an ailment that could've been treated with a topical cream.

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Shuen blamed his wanton mutilation and birth-inductions on his divorce, which was apparently costing him so much he decided to start treating childbirth like impatiently cooking a soft-boiled egg. The investigation against Shuen resolved much more slowly, not in the least because the hospital was covering for their star doctor, and even his own investigator admitting that "this is difficult for me because of the respect that I have for you-of your history in the city." For the heinous crimes of hurting hundreds of women and newborn children, the septuagenarian was quietly stripped of his license and was told to pay a little over $40,000 or, as Shuen thinks it, a couple of weekends of overtime.

E. Reid Ross has a book called BIZARRE WORLD that's on store shelves as we speak. Or you could just order it now from Amazon or Barnes and Noble and leave a scathing/glowing review.

Alan is on Twitter. He also has a blog about podcasts. Because of course he does.