A Giant Worm Was Found And It Turns Out, They're Very Common

A Giant Worm Was Found And It Turns Out, They're Very Common

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Aw, I don't know what's gross about this, look at that cute little baby elephant trunk.


Oh that's an earthworm.

Okay. Well. Someone watered their lawn with protein shakes and now we have a swole worm, that's fine. Just tie it to a rocket, shoot it into space, and be comforted by the fact that if it tries to return it will be burnt to an indistinguishable crisp upon entering the atmosphere.


Well, apparently, this isn't just an isolated case. The "Giant Earthworm," Digaster longmani, is common in Australia. So common, there are different species, like the Gippsland Giant Earthworm, which can grow to be over three meters in length. Why is it so fat and juicy? Typically the worms are only two centimeters in diameter, but they can contract so they look really thick. They're like flesh accordions. Flesh accordions who live in the dirt under Australian houses, schools, and therapist offices for people with debilitating worm phobias. Oh, and they can live up to five years, and their rapid movement under the earth can make "audible gurgling or sucking" sounds. Neato.

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If you need me I'll be in the therapist office for people with debilitating worm phobias.

For more check out This Week In Pop Culture (10/20/17) and What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (10/22/2017).

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