Cracked Photoplasty

21 Super Bowl Commercials They Don't Have the Balls to Make
21 Super Bowl Commercials They Don't Have the Balls to Make

Advertisers will spend millions of dollars per minute of air time on Super Bowl Sunday, and let's face it, most of what they come up with just isn't worth it.

24 Celebrity Tweets That America Would Never Recover From
24 Celebrity Tweets That America Would Never Recover From

So much wishful thinking, so few characters.

18 Products That Say More About You Than You Realize
18 Products That Say More About You Than You Realize

Shhh. Shhh. No need to explain yourself. Your stuff says it all.

22 Dickish Ways We'd Actually Use Superpowers
22 Dickish Ways We'd Actually Use Superpowers

Superpowers would arguably create more problems than they solve.

27 Easter Eggs (We Wish Were) Hidden in Iconic Music Videos
27 Easter Eggs (We Wish Were) Hidden in Iconic Music Videos

Music videos. For three minutes we're treated to vainest self-promotion out of a late night infomercial. And yeah, some of them can be pretty cool -- but they can always be cooler.

29 R-Rated Scenes Adorably Censored to be Kid-Friendly
29 R-Rated Scenes Adorably Censored to be Kid-Friendly

We understand that films are sometimes censored to make the appropriate for all TV-viewing audiences -- but sometimes movies don't go far enough. Blurred lines or lots of pixels don't censor quite enough.

How the World Would Look Without Guns
How the World Would Look Without Guns

Guns, for all the harm they can cause, are more ingrained in our society than we probably realize.

The 30 Most Inappropriate Children's Books Possible
The 30 Most Inappropriate Children's Books Possible

One has to be delicate when writing a children's book. One wrong word or phrase can take the entire moral you're trying to put across. Which is why it's probably good these pages probably got left on the cutting room floor.

16 Perfect Nicknames for Famous People
16 Perfect Nicknames for Famous People

Even when you're famous, there are varying degrees of it. The people at the top, we have no problem remembering. Some folks, though, we need a little help in the name department.

27 Movies Ruined by a Single Typo
27 Movies Ruined by a Single Typo

A finished film goes through a lot of hands before it hits the big screen. But what happens when everyone misses a teeny, tiny typo?