Cracked Photoplasty

21 Social Situations Explained Via IKEA Instructions
21 Social Situations Explained Via IKEA Instructions

IKEA has the market cornered when it comes to breaking down complex situations into simple diagrams, and then filling those diagrams with weird symbols and even weirder words. We asked you to use their trademark style to illustrate some of life's more deceptively complicated tasks.

21 Web Browser Features We Desperately Need
21 Web Browser Features We Desperately Need

There are web browser plugins and settings that do everything from block ads to convert every page to Klingon. But they still don't touch most common we annoyances. We asked you to show us what features would make browsing the web, videos etc truly tolerable. The winner is below, but first the runners up ...

21 Ridiculous Pharmaceutical Ads We'll See Next
21 Ridiculous Pharmaceutical Ads We'll See Next

Let's face it, the drug industry isn't above inventing new ailments and and trying to convince you that you're suffering from it. We asked you to show us the next borderline dishonest disease and treatment pairings they'll convince us we need to ask our doctors about.

23 Romantic Movies Revised for Honesty
23 Romantic Movies Revised for Honesty

Romantic movies are as bad for your brain as just about any type of movie you can watch as a stupid young person. We show you what they might look like if they actually told the truth.

20 Valentines Too Awesome To Exist
20 Valentines Too Awesome To Exist

Valentine's Day cards you buy at the store are like fast food for the soul, boiling down one of the most nourishing, life-sustaining forces on earth into dismissible bullshit that's impossible to digest without twisting your face into an awkward grimace. What if they were allowed to be creative, honest, awesome or all three at once.

The Truth About Romantic Relationships: Charted
The Truth About Romantic Relationships: Charted

When it comes to the opposite sex, the educational system is sure to give us line drawings of the changes their bodies are going through in middle school, but nobody ever tells us what to expect from a relationship with them. We asked you to show us the charts they could have shown us that would have made our dating lives easier.

27 Everyday Annoyances Historians Neglect to Mention
27 Everyday Annoyances Historians Neglect to Mention

As anyone whose had an ill-fated fling with an ex can attest, the further something is in your past, the harder it is to recall the parts that sucked. We asked you to show us the everyday annoyances that history forgot.

18 Things You Never Noticed in Famous Pictures (Part 2)
18 Things You Never Noticed in Famous Pictures (Part 2)

Just as a monotonous drive can cause highway blindness, after you've looked at an image hundreds of times, it's pretty easy to miss the tiny details. We asked you to show us how much crazy we could miss in images we've looked at hundreds of times.

21 Movie Sequels Too Awesome to Exist
21 Movie Sequels Too Awesome to Exist

Movie sequels get a bad rap, since they're usually created by people looking to invest in a known commodity: AKA whatever worked last time. But what if movie sequel didn't care about anything other than being a good idea, and kicking ass. We asked you to show us. The winner is below, but first the runners up ...