Cracked Photoplasty

27 Halloween Decorations Based on Realistic Fears
27 Halloween Decorations Based on Realistic Fears

Most Halloween decorations look like rejected props from the least realistic horror movie ever filmed. We asked you to use things that are actually scary in real life to make our yards scary again.

23 Horrible Ideas for Sexy Halloween Costumes
23 Horrible Ideas for Sexy Halloween Costumes

On Halloween, we're all asked to find creative ways to make other people think about what we'd be like to have sex with. Unfortunately, not all costumes lend themselves to sexiness quite as well as 'Sexy Nurse,' and 'Doctor Penis Hands.'

The Truth Behind the 17 Most Viral Images of the Election
The Truth Behind the 17 Most Viral Images of the Election

We asked you to show us what the people in some of the most important photos were thinking.

17 Moments from Famous Videos (Before the CIA Got to Them)
17 Moments from Famous Videos (Before the CIA Got to Them)

Moments from famous video footage, as they appeared before the CIA and George Lucas altered them using computer technology they'd reverse engineered from UFOs

If Movie Sequel Premises Were Forced to Be Realistic
If Movie Sequel Premises Were Forced to Be Realistic

what famous movie sequels would have looked like if they were forced to deal realistically with what happened in the first movie.

21 Ways Life Would Change if We Could Understand Animals
21 Ways Life Would Change if We Could Understand Animals

It's the question every stoned person has asked before: How would life be different if animals could talk to us? No but seriously, think about how would things would, like, change man.

The Elections as Understood by a 5-Year-Old
The Elections as Understood by a 5-Year-Old

It's no secret that we all have the intelligence of 5-year-olds when it comes to politics.

19 Minor Changes That Would Make Famous Movies Amazing
19 Minor Changes That Would Make Famous Movies Amazing

There's a thin line between good and great.

21 Awkward Moments Between Video Game Levels
21 Awkward Moments Between Video Game Levels

Video games have natural editing points built into them as you move from one level up to the next. We show you some of the awkward moments that those cuts help them cover up.

17 Products Apple Should Make Next
17 Products Apple Should Make Next

It's only a matter of time, you guys.

24 Mundane Photos Hiding Creepy Easter Eggs
24 Mundane Photos Hiding Creepy Easter Eggs

How closely do you look at the photos your friends upload to Facebook?

16 Famous Video Games Revised to be Politically Correct
16 Famous Video Games Revised to be Politically Correct

It's a miracle that the outlandish bust sizes and Italian stereotypes we grew up with in video game universes have survived this long.

If TV Show Titles Were Honest
If TV Show Titles Were Honest

We asked you to show us what it would look like if TV shows were forced to use titles more accurate to their content.

21 Recruitment Posters for Henchmen of Movie Villains
21 Recruitment Posters for Henchmen of Movie Villains

At some point people were tricked into joining an organization that, deep down, they had to know was on the losing side. But how?