
Kenny Thompson

Incoming freshman to oit, getting ready for college. I have a blog at civilianwatch.blogspot.com that i occasionally update when i have a bizarre thought (it will make more sense when you read it.) Check it out!

I also do writing for other sites. Send me a pm on cracked if your interested

Number of accepted articles to date: 7

The 6 Weirdest Cities People Actually Live In

None of us knows what, exactly, goes into city planning, but somewhere along the line, somebody accidentally CC'ed the insane asylum, and we wound up with the following civilizations that simply should not be.


5 Mind Blowing Things Crowds Do Better Than Experts

There's nothing stupider than a crowd. Take an average, intelligent person and put him in an emergency and he'll likely remain calm and await instructions. Put him in a crowd and he'll start screaming, looting and overturning cars. Right? Well ... not really. That's why we have crowdsourcing.

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