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Just like the rest of us, the internet had some weird, awkward teenage years.
Instead of going big, these companies should've stayed home.
Some war heroes never get their moment in the spotlight. Let's change that, eh?
The stuff you shovel into your mouth has a darker history than you know ...
Some easter eggs are deeper than others.
A lot of the #lifehacks you see aren't just wrong, they're dangerous.
Sometimes, we got things all mixed up when it comes to history's famous murderers ...
If you're tired of hearing about fad diets, spare a thought for what health-conscious types in the past had to put up with.
When looked at on a small scale, the story seems totally optimistic. When scaled up, pessimism becomes the big, stinky elephant in the room.
Gaining a new cultural perspective is only a few clicks away, provided that nothing went awry during the translation process.
Being a YouTube celebrity sounds like a pretty awesome deal, right? Well ...
Several websites you've probably used today required a whole bucket of turd polish before they finally found their way.
I'm here to try and defend my beloved country against accusations that we're nothing more than a nation of evil, mustache-twirling, power-obsessed psychopaths in well-tailored suits.
Terrifyingly enough, the health care techniques that Hollywood clearly made up on an insane whim have made it into the popular consciousness.
Who among us hasn't stepped out of the house, gotten absent-minded, and come back with a quarter of Earth's land?
The next time somebody complains about the Oval Office losing its dignity, bust out one of these.
Who among us hasn't stepped out of the house, gotten absent-minded, and come back with a quarter of Earth's land?
Who among us hasn't stepped out of the house, gotten absent-minded, and come back with a quarter of Earth's land?