20 of the Most Destructive Lies of All Time

Barring some kind of Liar, Liar-style witchcraft, everyone lies. “That sweater looks great on you.” “This will only hurt a little.” “A masked man broke in, shoved me in the washing machine, and left without taking anything just to see if I would fit. Yeah. He wanted to know that.” For the most part, these lies don’t cause any lasting damage. Well, maybe the washing machine one. It is really hard to disassemble those things, and good luck convincing anyone to put it back together.

But some lies are much more consequential. Historical. Genocidal. They’re the lies of those in authority — politiciansscientists, guys with a lot of followers on Twitter — about grave matters of health, money and even war. These are the lies Redditors refused to forget when user thoughtofeverything asked r/AskReddit, “What has been the most destructive lie in human history?”


JasmineeFoxyy 2y ago nfts are the next big thing


CocoLenin 2y ago I won't invade Czechoslovakia A. H.


[deleted] 2y ago Afghanistan was to blame for 9/11


kbyyru 2y ago Iraq has weapons of mass destruction


scottskoi84 2y ago Read my lips. No new taxes


stumpdawg 2y ago If we give tax breaks to the wealthy the wealth will trickle down!


[deleted] 2y ago The election was stolen.


GargantuChet 2y ago Nuclear is more dangerous than continued reliance on fossil fuels.


Prestodeath201 2y ago The first few days of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.


curiousmonkey25 2y ago Climate change isn't real


cruzbelmonte 2y ago Climate change is not caused by human behavior


EntryFriendly 2y ago Edited 2y ago Radium paint isn't poisonous.


Jubatus2point0 2y ago Vaccines cause autism


ChickNuggs 2y ago Oxycontin isn't addictive


rntopspin100 2y ago Edited 2y ago Cigarette smoking is no more 'addictive' than coffee, tea, or Twinkies. James W. Johnston


Tuungsten 2y ago Thomas Midgley and General Motors lying that exposure to tetra-ethyl lead is harmless.


Greentornadofx 2y ago The are probably worse but that fake study on dementia that some guy made up many years ago to give his career a boost that wasn't noticed until much later, which set the 'cure' research back by well over a decade. I can see the people it affects already that might have been helped if the research wasn't faked.


PuzzleMeDo 2y ago A specific historical example: In 1843, a man called Hong Xiuquan claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus. This led to him starting the Taiping Rebellion, which caused the deaths of between 20 million and 70 million people. Then again, he probably believed it, so it might not count as a lie.


voicebread 2y ago Nestle-The Baby Killer Scandal. They deliberately lied to mothers in developing countries to sell their baby formula, telling them that their own milk was nutritionally insufficient and their babies would be unhealthy if they continued to breastfeed them. The result of this marketing campaign was approximately 66,000 infant mortalities.


VoodooDoll 2y ago The cake.