21 Little Annoyances We Really Shouldn't Have to Deal With Anymore

We don’t really appreciate enough how far society has come in such a short period of time. Ten years ago, we could only dream of a centralized system for getting any food delivered as easily as a pizza. Twenty years ago, the idea of a handheld supercomputer that also happens to make phone calls was a technological pipe dream. A hundred years ago, most of you barely had any rights. Go back any farther and it gets real bleak, so be glad you live when you do.

But no matter how much we progress as a society, there are little problems we still have to put up with. While our best and brightest are focused on going to Mars and curing diseases, the realm of everyday annoyances has been ignored, because there’s just not a lot of glory in the “better twist ties” industry. 

Which is why when user kabkar1234 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s a small, everyday inconvenience that you believe should have been solved by now?,” their fellow Redditors really couldn’t stop complaining.


GruntUltra 7mo ago spam and scam calls and emails


rae3605 7mo ago A better way to type on TV remotes


Chancetobelieve 7mo ago Cereal bags not having a zipper closure


truthcopy 7mo ago Invisible lane markings when roads are wet.


ImCaffeinated_Chris 7mo ago Hot dog buns not being sold in same number as hot dogs.


[deleted] 7mo ago Uploading your resume then having to enter everything on the resume on the next screen


packern 7mo ago Music volume in movies being much louder than the dialog.


fridayj1 7mo ago I should be able to put a dollar bill in a vending machine in any orientation, dammit.


Big-Cat-3079 7mo ago That little bit of chocolate and peanut butter that gets stuck to the center of most Reese's peanut butter cup wrappers.


Brucine 7mo ago Universal medical records. It is insane that you have to fill out a medical history at every doctors office you go to and rely on your own memory or worse, a family member's memory of all of your medications and diagnoses for your entire life.


rockstoneshellbone 7mo ago Insurance that doesn't stop at the neck. My eyes, ears, and teeth are all part of my body, vital to health, and shouldn't require separate policies. Jeeze.


III_Employer_1665 7mo ago Edited 7mo ago Why the hell do I have to wait until Monday for a check to deposit in 2024?


7mo ago CotonDog Those huge plastic packages, that are basically impossible to open, yet hold only one small item. C'mon team, think!


Janicegirlbomb2 7mo ago The thin metal handles on cans of paint. Is there no better way to carry paint than by a garrote?


LOERMaster 7mo ago Your computer needs to restart right this second to install critical updates fuck what you're in the middle of.


neogreenlantern 7mo ago All wireless controller devices should have an easy way to locate them. If I can't find my TV remote, video game controller, etc, I should be able to go over to the device, hit a button, and the device starts beeping.


teacher1000 7mo ago Why cant they design a pasta bag that doesnt rip all the way down spraying dried pasta all over the counter-top?


Linux4ever_Leo 7mo ago When a food package says peel here or tear here and it never f-cking works and you need to get scissors or a knife to open the package.


[deleted] 7mo ago Those stickers on products that leave sticker residue when pulling them off. So now you have sticky goo with paper bits on your cup.


Granuaile 7mo ago The extremely poor audio quality of fast food drive-thru speakers. How in 2024 can it even sound that bad? HOW?


FormalChicken 7mo ago We can see billions of light years away, we put these satellites into orbit. Let's make this clear: We sent out a rocket that had to just pass by a meteor and scrape by, and then come back to earth. Thousands of man hours went into the calculations and planning for that. But the best way to check a prostate is still by sticking a finger up there?